The useState set method is not reflecting a change immediately
doesn't update instantly. It holds a party for all the changes and rollouts them out in the next render cycle (akin to launching all the changes together for a maximal impact). To act on updated state, you've got the power of useEffect
The VIP party guest is useRef
if you need an immediate peek at the variable without causing a re-render:
Why is useState playing hard to get?
The core of React is all about reconciliation and rendering. When you call useState
, you're asking React to schedule a re-render. But instead of dropping everything to attend to this request, React efficiently batches them and addresses during the next cycle.
Much like you wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night to make a sandwich, React doesn't disrupt the natural flow for every single state update. The sandwich (render) tastes better in daylight (next cycle).
To keep track of state changes, useEffect
rides to the rescue ensuring actions are completed after the state update.
Merging new updates with the previous ones? Use a callback in setValue
Advancing from useState to useReducer
For more complex state logic, trade in your useState
for a useReducer
. It's like going from a bicycle to a motorbike.
Dealing with a bunch of state updates at once? What about fetch requests raining like cats and dogs? Punch back with Promise.all
and catch them in your trusty umbrella, the useRef
Implementing state updates: Strategies for the eager bees
The temporary outpost (tempValue
The thoughtful useEffect
Break the closure
The domain of useReducer and useContext:
Replace prop drilling with useContext
hook. It's like sending your state on a world tour!
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