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How to force a functional React component to render?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 17, 2025

To instigate a re-render in a functional React component, manipulate an impractical useState value, just like this:

import React, { useState } from 'react'; function ForceRenderComponent() { // Define a "broken clock" state to force re-render const [, setTick] = useState(0); // Function to trigger re-render, "fixes" the broken clock! const forceUpdate = () => setTick(tick => tick + 1); return <button onClick={forceUpdate}>Order Update!</button>; };

Whenever you call forceUpdate, it increments the tick state, which is like ringing the lunch bell for React, signifying it's time to re-render the component due to the state's banal change.

The Jedi Path to UseState

Have you ever been in a situation where you useState, but you didn't really use the state? Well, that's what we're doing here.

const [rerender, setRerender] = useState(false); const forceUpdate = () => setRerender(!rerender);

This method for triggering component re-renders can feel like a Parsec-skipping shortcut, it only scratches the surface. Indulge in state-driven design in React. Often needing to force a re-render may imply that you're taking a detour from the Jedi path.

Exploring the 'Force Be With You' Landscape

Adding useReducer to Your Force Powers

Leveling up your React force powers involves reaching for useReducer to create new state:

const [, forceUpdate] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);

Looks familiar to this.forceUpdate() in class components, doesn't it? This method of state change is like a well-worn path in the React wilderness. It gives better traffic signals than the boolean crossroads.

React: A New Hope(less State)

React 16.8, aka 'Rise of the Hooks', brought about hope for stateless components! The functional components can now operate like class components doing stuff like side-effects, contextual rendering, and beyond - all thanks to hooks.

Remember, with great power...

In the React galaxy, forced re-renders should not be second nature. Excessive usage of the forceUpdate method is a sign that your React components might be falling to the dark side of design. Ensure that your component structure and data flow are on the straight and narrow path.

When to Unleash the 'Force'

Sometimes we need to turn to the 'dark arts' of force re-rendering. Several justifiable situations exist, such as:

Dealing with External Factors

At times, you might need to call upon the strength of the force re-render to communicate with non-React libraries or external event systems where MIDI-chlorians (states or props) aren't in control.

Direct your Animation Path

Visual effects like animations or transitions often need a nudge to physically update the DOM immediately. That's where forceRender wields its magic.

Need a Quick Hand?

The use-force-update library puts the 'force power' in your hands with a pre-packaged hook useForceUpdate. It's like a Jedi knight just handed you his lightsaber!