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Sqlite Like % and _

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 3, 2024

In SQLite, use % in the LIKE statement to match any series of characters, and _ to match a solitary character:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE 'start%'; -- Begins with 'start' like a race SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%end'; -- Ends with 'end' like a bad date SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '_middle'; -- Has 'middle' preceded by a lone ranger

In the Wild of Special Characters

To search for % or _ as literal characters, use the ESCAPE keyword.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%25%' ESCAPE '25'; -- Seeking '%' in its natural habitat SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '!_%' ESCAPE '!'; -- Hunting for '_', no camouflage allowed!

Just remember, our escape characters here are as freely chosen as a Netflix movie on a lazy Sunday!

Multi Underscore and Percentage Saga

One underscore (_), two underscore (__), red underscore, blue underscore! Multiple underscores (___) match a definitive set of characters while multiple % (%%%) simply plays the part of that elusive wildcard, indifferent to the length:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '___abc%'; -- Searching for triplets holding hands with 'abc!

Case of the GLOB Patterns

In SQLite, GLOB comes into the picture for case-sensitive globetrotting:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column GLOB 'Data*'; -- Could be 'Data Science', or 'Database', or 'Dataphobia' SELECT * FROM table WHERE column GLOB '?ata'; -- It's our friend '_', but more cat-like (think '?')

Where * stars as the wildcard and ? questions a single character.

No One Puts Case Sensitivity in a Corner

SQLite's LIKE operator throws case out of the window. In contrast, GLOB is the polite detective, always minding its case:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE 'a%' COLLATE NOCASE; -- Case-blind SELECT * FROM table WHERE column GLOB 'A*'; -- Case-keen

Pattern Matching: The Master Class

SQLite supports pattern matching beyond basic characters. Check out this intricate LIKE query:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE 'C_%_d'; -- Complex much? 'C', any character, any character, and 'd', walking into a bar...

This query uncovers strings that commence with C, succeeded by any two characters and rounded off neatly with a d.