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Is There StartsWith or Contains in T-SQL with Variables?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 9, 2024

If you are looking for a quick check in T-SQL using variables, make LIKE your new buddy:

  • **LIKE @Variable + '%'** is your go-to when you want to find rows starting with @Variable.
  • **LIKE '%' + @Variable + '%'** will be helpful when you need rows containing @Variable.
DECLARE @Term NVARCHAR(100) = 'FindMe'; -- Who doesn't like a good game of HideNSeek? -- StartsWith check: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE @Term + '%'; -- Found you @Term, you're IT! -- Contains check: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE '%' + @Term + '%'; -- Peek-a-boo! Found @Term again!

Simply replace Table and Column with your actual table and column names, and specify your own @Term.

Exploring the Depths: Going Beyond the Basics

Wildcards: The Heart and Soul of LIKE Statement

You will find the % wildcard putting in the hard yards when using the LIKE operator:

  • LIKE 'Data%' matches "Database", "DataScience", and anything that starts with "Data".
  • LIKE 'Data_' is handy for matching "Data1", "Datax", but not "Data12"
  • LIKE 'Data%Center_' has the flexibility to match "DataCenter1" or "DataCenterA", giving flexibility a whole new meaning!

Coping with Case Sensitivity

Not everything is capital, so use UPPER() or LOWER() for consistent results:

SELECT * FROM Table WHERE UPPER(Column) LIKE UPPER(@Term + '%');

Different Data Types: Cast Away!

When interacting with functions like SERVERPROPERTY, which do not sing the "string" tune:


Switching Gears: CHARINDEX for StartsWith

CHARINDEX, the LIKE alternative that knows exactly where to start looking for a substring:

DECLARE @isExpress BIT; -- Checks if the string starts with 'Express Edition' IF CHARINDEX('Express Edition', @VersionName) = 1 SET @isExpress = 1; -- Express Delivery! ELSE SET @isExpress = 0; -- Economy Shipment Recieved

Brevity is the Soul of IIF Function

For the fans of compact syntax, IIF function from SQL Server 2012 onwards is an absolute gem:

SET @isExpress = IIF(LEFT(@VersionName, 15) = 'Express Edition', 1, 0); -- Old is gold, but new is express!

Interacting with PATINDEX for Advanced Patterns

Meet PATINDEX, the next level in search functionality with a knack for pattern identification; Something regex fans would appreciate:

-- Find the starting position of any numeric digit sequence. SELECT PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', Column) FROM Table; -- All numbers, appear!

Practical Use-Cases: From Corner Cases to Daily Tasks

Dynamic String Patterns: One String to Search Them All

Dynamic SQL: Gives you the flexibility you always wanted but remember, with great power comes greater responsibility!

SET @SQLCommand = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ''' + @SearchPattern + '%'''; EXEC sp_executeSQL @SQLCommand; -- The Magic Wand wave!

The Special Characters Dilemma

Escape special characters either with square brackets or the ESCAPE keyword:

-- Finding percent symbols in strings: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE '%[%]%' ESCAPE '['; -- Percent-ception!

Multi-pattern Searches: More the Merrier

Wildcards can be pieced together to search for multi-pattern strings. A little bit of creativity goes a long way!

-- Match strings containing 'ing' followed by 'data' anywhere after: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE '%ing%data%'; -- 'ing' the bell before 'data' enters.

Avoid the Pitfalls: Keeping an Eye on Efficiency

In enterprise-level databases, excessive use of wildcards or leading % in patterns might hinder performance. Indexed views or full-text indexing might be the saviors!