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Split a Pandas column of lists into multiple columns

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Dec 12, 2024

If you need a quick fix to split a column with lists into multiple columns, utilize the pd.DataFrame constructor:

import pandas as pd # Giving life to a DataFrame 'df' with a 'list_column' df = pd.DataFrame({'list_column': [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}) # Performing surgery to split 'list_column' into separate columns df_expanded = pd.DataFrame(df['list_column'].tolist(), index=df.index)

The operating table df_expanded now holds the content of the lists sliced and spread across multiple columns, each retaining original row alignment.

Leveraging alternative methods

Pack your coding belt with alternatives to ensure data processing efficiency:

With pd.concat(), performance is no pandas-monium!

Bring original DataFrame and expanded columns in a peaceful co-existence:

# I asked them to live together. They accepted. df_expanded = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(df['list_column'].tolist())], axis=1).drop('list_column', axis=1)

Never leave your index behind

Keep the index well aligned with your data:

# "Left behind? Not on my watch!" df_expanded.set_index(df.index)

Love efficient reshaping? Fall in love with zip(*list)

Save up to 40% processing time. All code and no play is now a myth:

# Time flies? Let's make it gallop! df_expanded = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*df['list_column'])))], axis=1)

str.split() for any devilish delimited strings

Break the string chains:

# Chains can't hold me, I'm splitting! df['string_column'].str.split(',', expand=True)

Ensure clarity in chaos by naming the new columns

Add clear names for precision:

# "A column by any other name wouldn't be as sweet." df_expanded.columns = ['Col1', 'Col2', ... ]

Big data's rule: "Be performant or perish"

Hello %timeit, my old friend

Get the stopwatch out, let's benchmark this!

# On your marks, get set, TIME IT! %timeit pd.DataFrame(df['list_column'].tolist(), index=df.index)

The survival of the quickest!

Pit zip against apply, see where %timeit taps out!

Challenges beware! I've got solutions for uneven list lengths, missing data, and the never-ending casting saga:

# Make uneven lists shake hands df_expanded = pd.DataFrame(df['list_column'].tolist()).reindex_like(df) # Cast Away: A column type tale! df_expanded['Col1'] = df_expanded['Col1'].astype(int)

Break the chains! Use apply()

Breaking free from .tolist():

Bring your logic to the table

Split by condition or party position

df.apply(lambda row: [row['list_column'][0]] if condition else [None, row['list_column'][1]], axis=1)

Your DataFrame your rule!

Write a function to expand the lists while respecting DataFrame's shape and index integrity.