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Pandas convert dataframe to array of tuples

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Mar 2, 2025

Need quick Pandas DataFrame to tuple conversion? Here you go poor soul, either use to_numpy() with a list comprehension or .itertuples() for getting the job done with less memory usage:

# Assume 'df' is your DataFrame tuples_array = [tuple(row) for row in df.to_numpy()] # Zen of Python: Simple is better than complex tuples_itertuples = list(df.itertuples(index=False, name=None)) # Zen of Python: Memory is better than crash

Tada! You have your tuples:

[(1, 3), (2, 4)]

But wait, there's more! You should know how to select specific columns, improve conversion efficiency, and use tuples in bulk operations like database storage.

Filter columns before tuple sweep

There are times when you want to get rid of the extras. Can't deal with all the columns every time. No worries, use column filtering before conversion:

filtered_df = df[['column1', 'column2']] tuples_filtered = [tuple(row) for row in filtered_df.to_numpy()] # Less is more

Coming down to database operations, column selection can be your magic trick to lessen memory and processing time usage. Quite handy!

Gigantic DataFrame? .itertuples() to the rescue

The more the data, the merrier the memory management problems. Large DataFrame? Don't break a sweat! .itertuples() becomes quite the friend in need. It's efficient as it returns an iterator, saving memory:

tuples_named = list(df.itertuples(index=False)) # Now, that's BIG brain time!

Namedtuples are fun but sometimes, you may not need names. For that, use name=None:

tuples_regular = list(df.itertuples(index=False, name=None)) # Who needs names, anyway!

Besides .itertuples(), there's .to_records()

While .itertuples() is the MVP, don't overlook DataFrame.to_records(). It returns a structured NumPy array (aka record array) that yields tuples:

records_tuples = list(df.to_records(index=False)) # Hidden Gem Alert!

It's the VIP pass for times when tuple needs to carry column names for reference or where array can use efficiency of structured arrays.

Don't assume, benchmark it!

Opinions are cheap, benchmarks are golden. Run performance benchmarks with tools like timeit or others. Factors like dataframe size, system memory, and need for column filtering make the decision of method choice, a non-universal truth!

Why consider namedtuples over tuples?

Namedtuples versus tuples, a classic debate. Namedtuples add readability with field-accessing but cost slightly more in memory. So, it’s the age-old trade-off, pick your side wisely!

# For namedtuples tuples_named = list(df.itertuples(index=False)) # For those who like names! # For regular tuples tuples_regular = list(df.itertuples(index=False, name=None)) # For those who want simplicity and more memory!

Practical implications of tuple conversion

Data export & manipulation

DataFrame to tuple conversion shines in blazing glory when you want to export data for another system or for further acrobatics in Python. Tuples are versatile, attesting their prowess as elemnts in sets and keys in dictionaries.

Hassle-free database operations

Have a bulk of operations with databases to deal with? A DataFrame converted to an array of tuples can be your knight in shining armour saving a lot of bulk insert or update time.

Efficient computation

Got complex computations and DataFrame iterating nightmares? Try converting your dataframe into tuples. It can be a performance booster, especially if only a subset of columns is your area of interest.