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Space Before Closing Slash?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Mar 6, 2025

For HTML5, no space is required before the closing slash in self-closing tags. Keeping it simple is the way forward:

Preferred: <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description">

Optional: <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description" />

Embrace the modern HTML5 standards by sticking to no space, no slash for a clean markup.

Historically, a space before the closing slash was adequate for HTML parsers in older browsers like Netscape 4.80. However, this need has evolved away with modern browsers and standards.

Delving into the past

Triggered by XHTML

XHTML was a stickler for upholding precise markup norms. According to the XHTML1.0 specification's Appendix C, a space before the self-closing slash in tags (e.g., <br />) was suggested to assist HTML parsers. With the arrival of HTML5, such strictness has faded away.

MIME type and Internet Explorer

During the XHTML era, if the MIME type was application/xhtml+xml, then Internet Explorer would refuse to display documents containing tags without a space before the slash. This encouraged the practice of having extra space for cross-browser compatibility.

The affair with text/html MIME type

When XHTML documents were served as text/html to compatibly work with Internet Explorer, an extra space became a must-have to ensure self-closing tags were correctly interpreted.

The misunderstood "Null End Tag"

An early XML Working Draft proposed the idea of a "Null End Tag", leading to a mistaken belief that a space before the slash was a solution. This concept was never finalized and is irrelevant to the present-day standards.

W3C validation

Today, the W3C validator flags up issues with closing slashes to reinforce the importance of following standard norms. However, it doesn't consider the space before the slash as an error—it's more focused on the presence of the slash for XHTML compatibility.

Modern browsers - champions of tolerance

Most modern browsers show great tolerance and work smoothly irrespective of the space's presence. So, including or excluding the space has no impact on rendering and is not a requirement as per the current coding best practices.

A matter of style

The space's addition can be seen to be a matter of personal choice—it might enhance the readability or aesthetics for some developers. But when it comes to compliance with the latest standards—there's no need for it.

Pursuing the practical implications

Backward compatibility - when space mattered

In the past, extra spaces were vital for backward compatibility with older browsers. They supported parsers in differentiating tags from the text.

The automotive evolution of self-closing tags

Self-closing tags have driven a long road from being a XHTML necessity to embracing HTML5 flexibility. Choosing the present standards simplifies our code.

DOCTYPE - Developer's checkpoint

A careful assessment of the document's DOCTYPE declaration can ensure that you write valid code conforming to the chosen specification, be it the flexible HTML5, strict XHTML, or the transitional HTML 4.01.

The unfolding stylistic debate - tabs versus spaces redux

The practice of including space is akin to the endless debate of tabs versus spaces—today, it is more of a personal preference than a necessity. The key is keeping the code consistent within a project's codebase, above individual practices.