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Html 5: Is it <br>, <br/>, or <br />?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 4, 2024

In HTML5, <br> is the recommended syntax for a line break. Self-closing tags like <br/> or <br /> are rendered superfluous by this standard. Use:


This maintains clean and current aesthetics in accordance with HTML5 parameters.

When to use <br/> or <br />

When operating with XML tools or applications that require compatibility with XML, <br/> serves as the safest option. In contrast, for those writing strict application/xhtml+xml MIME types or adhering strictly to XHTML guidelines, <br /> carries the day.

Traversing from XHTML to HTML5

Transitioning from XHTML to HTML5 paves the way for a learning curve. Retaining the trailing slash in <br /> is harmless, helping ease the transition while learning the brevity of HTML5.

Comprehending void elements

In HTML5, void elements, such as <br>, inherently do not need closing tags. Their understanding deems the trailing slash as surplus.

Writing for the web in modern times

HTML5 leads the pack among modern web practices due to its practicality and relaxed standards. For XHTML-compliance, use lowercase tag names. Consult discussions such as "Serving XHTML as text/html Considered Harmful" to delve deeper into the intricacies of serving XHTML content.

It's crucial to remember older browsers while blazing ahead with technologies. The space in <br /> ensures backwards compatibility. Validate your syntax with tools like the W3C Markup Validation Service to remain in line with the latest standards.