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Running shell command and capturing the output

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 13, 2024

Python has a nifty module, subprocess, that works like magic. With the subprocess.run() function, you can execute shell commands and capture their output:

import subprocess # 'echo' says hi, Python responds 👋 result = subprocess.run(['echo', 'Hello, Python!'], capture_output=True, text=True) # Printing the magic words print(result.stdout.strip())

This ecosystem of the subprocess.run() function and the capture_output, sends our messages from echo through stdout, right into the arms of Python.

Shell execution essentials

Converting byte strings

Byte string got you scrunching your eyebrows? Python's .decode('utf-8') function is here to the rescue. It converts the byte string into a human-readable string:

result = subprocess.run(['echo', 'Hello, Python!'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip())

Error management

Want Python to catch errors that occur during shell command execution? The check=True parameter has your back:

try: result = subprocess.run(['false'], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Woops, a wild error appears: ", e)

Command argument splitting

Got a shell command string and need to make a list out of it? shlex.split() is your genie:

import shlex command = 'ls -l' subprocess.run(shlex.split(command), capture_output=True)

Real-time results with Popen

Want to dive deep into the ocean of shell command execution? Let's embark on the exciting journey of subprocess.Popen():

with subprocess.Popen(['ping', 'stackoverflow.com'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) as proc: for line in proc.stdout: print("Pinging: ", line.strip())

Advanced subprocess interactions

Managing errors and outputs together

To lure the outputs and error messages in the same trapping box, use stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE:

com = subprocess.run(['ls', '-l', '/nonexistent_directory'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print("Gotta catch 'em all, right? Here's the stderr output :", com.stderr.decode())

Process data exchange with communicate()

Reusing the magical lamp of subprocess.Popen() lets you send data to stdin, and then read from stdout or stderr as if you were casually chatting with a process:

process = subprocess.Popen(['cat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate('Hello, Popen!\n') print("Exchanging pleasantries with Popen: ", stdout)

Clean resource allocation with with

And the with statement, the unsung superhero, ensures all file and process resources are handled cleanly and efficiently:

with subprocess.Popen(['ls', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: print("Show me the directory details, pretty please: ", proc.stdout.read())

Quick and straightforward tasks

Direct output with getoutput()

Presenting the subprocess.getoutput() function, the honey-badger of the Python world. It gets things done without any fuss:

output = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l') print("Honey-badger results: ", output)

The veteran check_output

To ensure backward compatibility, let's bring in the experienced fighter, subprocess.check_output():

output = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '-l'], text=True) print("Old is gold: ", output)

Error management and safety tips

Exception shielding

To protect your code castle from unknown enemy attacks (errors), raise the drawbridge by implementing try / except blocks:

try: subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', '/important_data'], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: print("Enemy attack deflected: ", error)

Beware of shell=True

Using shell=True too liberally might leave a shell injection backdoor ajar. Stay safe, use string command lists.

Real-time result collection

For lengthy outputs, stdout.readline() gives you results line by line, hot off the press!

Cross-platform compatibility

Emulating Unix on Windows

On Windows? Fear not, Cygwin extends you a Unix-like olive branch, letting the commands.getstatusoutput run free!