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Right way to reverse a pandas DataFrame?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 3, 2024

Quickly reverse a pandas DataFrame with the iloc slice notation:

reversed_df = df.iloc[::-1].reset_index(drop=True)

This compact line of code flips the DataFrame rows and gives you a fresh, tidy index sequence. Speedy, isn't it?

How to reverse: techniques and tactics

Our primary task is reversing. Let's decode the many methods you can use:

Reverse and reset with iloc

Through the magic of iloc and our friendly slice notation [::-1], we can reverse rows and reset indices with drop=True. It's like telling the DataFrame to turn around and act normal.

Keep the original index with loc

If you miss the original order and want it back, use df.loc[::-1]. We’re keeping rows in reverse order, but hanging onto our old name tags with the original index.

Quick reverse with slicing

Want a short and sweet way? df[::-1] has got your back. Compact? Check. Efficient? Check. But remember, this approach flips the script for both rows and indices.

Iterate backwards with for loop

If you live to loop, and you need to loop in reverse, go ahead and for idx in reversed(df.index). This allows you to safely run over your DataFrame rows from end to start, avoiding an unexpected game of KeyError bingo.

Reset indices, just because

Once you've reversed, you might want to tidy up with a new, neat index. In this case, just call df.reset_index(drop=True) and watch your DataFrame become shockingly orderly.

Sort in reverse

Feeling fancy? Try df.sort_index(ascending=False). This sorts the index in descending order. It's not only reversing—it's also showing off.

Stay DRY with utility functions

Frequent reversals in your future? Consider making a utility function like reset_my_index(df). While you're at it, include resetting index options for quick use.

Not all techniques are equal: meet your new efficiency friends

When scaling up, some reversal techniques tastier than others. Here are some fun best practices to boost efficiency:

Skip iterrows

Truth bomb: iterrows() is the odd one out when reversing DataFrames. It's less efficient than slicing and may introduce its own complications. Avoid the heartache.

5th column, not 5th row

In pandas, df[5] might look like a fifth row, but it's a trap—it’s actually pointing to the 5th column! Highlighting this now to prevent those pesky KeyErrors from ruining Christmas.

Slicing is super

The df[::-1] slice trick operates in constant runtime—even on Titanic-sized DataFrames. The reason? Pandas' Python ninjas have optimized it for you. You're welcome.

Keep it simple, cowboy

Avoid overcomplicating things with complex reversal methods. One operation is often enough, and remember, shorter code is friendlier to both machines and human brains.

Be explicit with reindex

For those language purists who favor explicit over implicit, data.reindex(index=data.index[::-1]) may just be your cup of tea. Just be mindful of the verbosity.

Dive deep: rare cases and edge cutters

Reversing can be tricky. Here are some edge cases and best practices to deepen your understanding:

Non-integer index types

Sure, your index might have strings or dates—it don’t matter to reversal. Just be aware of the type when you apply operations afterwards.

Encounter NaN? Don’t panic

When reversing, NaN values don’t move relative to their index. But if you’re playing with predictive modeling, consider how this might affect your data imputation strategies.