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Replacing Entire Page Including Head Using Javascript

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Oct 20, 2024

Rapidly change the entire HTML content by setting document.documentElement.outerHTML:

document.documentElement.outerHTML = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>New Title</title></head><body>New Body</body></html>';

This method injects fresh life into your webpage with a new title and body, essentially rebooting your HTML document from scratch.

But be warned, beware of the ghost scripts lurking at runtime! Continuing with the current JavaScript context can be an uphill battle as old scripts are exorcised. So, buckle up and engage with the ReplaceContent function for a smooth sailing journey in dynamic content replacement.

Empowering dynamic demolition and reconstruction

With a JavaScript toolbox handy, you're well-equipped to tear down the old HTML house and fabricate your vision of a skyscraper. Here's how:

Hit it with the wrecking ball: Evict old HTML

Revolutionize the page content using this strategy:

function ReplaceContent(newContent) { document.open(); // It's demolition time my friend! document.write(newContent); // Lay the HTML bricks one by one document.close(); // Drop the tools, it's break time! }

Call the cavalry, the ‘ReplaceContent’ function, for an absolute makeover:

ReplaceContent('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Goodbye World</title></head><body><script>alert("Goodbye World");</script></body></html>');

Trigger points and magic spells!

Unleash the magical trigger function, Hi, to light up alerts post content renovation:

function Hi() { alert('Goodbye World'); // Abracadabra! And there's your alert! // Replace content mambo-jumbo goes here, if it's a post-alert party }

'Bang!' goes the gavel, and the ReplaceContent function takes charge by sweeping in the entire content into the canvas including the fancy doodles in the header and the rhythmic JavaScript symphony.

Speed of light: Server-less replacement

When there's no server in sight, your magic potion of content string is this:

let newContent = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Title</title></head><body>Page Content</body></html>'; ReplaceContent(newContent);

Broomstick ride with jQuery

Own jQuery? Got you covered! Here's a swoosh-boom-bang method for a efficient page turnover:


An Iframe dream!

An iframe with srcdoc powered spell for uninterrupted content delivery awaits your magic touch. With an iframe canvas that engulfs the viewport as you paint a new world:

<iframe style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%" srcdoc="<p>Your new world begins here</p>"></iframe>

Add a sparkling transition spinner for a mesmerising user view until the new world is ready to be unveiled.