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Render a string in HTML and preserve spaces and linebreaks

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 5, 2024

Make use of the <pre> HTML tag or the CSS white-space: pre-wrap; property to preserve spaces and linebreaks in rendered HTML text. With <pre>, the original text formatting remains. white-space: pre-wrap; retains formatting but permits text wrap in a container. white-space: pre-line; will collapse multiple spaces into one while saving line breaks.

Cheat sheet with <pre>:

<!-- Caption: When spaces and line breaks decided to not become extinct --> <pre>Your string with spaces and line breaks.</pre>

Cheat sheet with CSS white-space:

<!-- CSS: When not just the color and size matter--> <div style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Your string with spaces and line breaks.</div>

Beware of HTML.Encode—it could convert your precious text into unwanted HTML encoding characters, like &nbsp; for spaces, instead of preserving them.

Best practices for whitespace preservation

Preserving space and line breaks becomes crucial when developing websites and web applications, especially when handling user-generated content. Code indentations, blockquotes, or poetry can be a few examples. Here's to holding on to your whitespace!

Custom CSS with <pre> tag

For a more delightful appearance, you could combine the <pre> tag with custom CSS. While <pre> tag is pretty handy, it might need some CSS-touches to perfectly fit into your design needs.

Escaping is key

While you're busy saving the text's spaces, beware of script or HTML input—Always escape content to prevent XSS attacks and ensure application security.

Scenarios, examples, and solutions

Preserving spaces within inline elements

When it's crucial to retain spaces within inline elements like <span>, white-space: pre-wrap; is your magic wand.

Displaying dynamic content with format

For displaying dynamic content with formatting, say, code snippets from a database, text presentation plays a major role in readability.

Mobile responsiveness

Don't forget about the mobile users. In a responsive design, maintaining legibility while keeping spaces and line breaks is a decisive skill. Use custom CSS to make it wrapping and scaling compliant for different screen sizes.

Watch out for these potential issues:

  • Excessive use of <pre> can cause layout distress, especially in responsive layouts.
  • Do remember, how different browsers interpret your CSS can sometimes result in unexpected outcomes. Test before you deploy!