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Preserve line breaks in textarea

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 21, 2024
<!-- Batman says: CSS rules apply to textarea too! --> <!-- Use CSS property white-space: pre-wrap; --> <textarea style="white-space: pre-wrap;"></textarea>

Applying white-space: pre-wrap; to a <textarea> informs the browser to honor the user's input, maintaining spaces and line breaks as is.

Exploring white-space CSS property necessity

Following white-space: pre-wrap;, let's delve into other possibilities. Certainly, white-space: pre-line; comes handy as it converges sequences of whitespace into a single character but retains line breaks.

How to deal with long uninterrupted text

Lengthy lines or URLs can breach layout constraints. By blending white-space: pre-wrap; with overflow-wrap: break-word;, we can preserve user-entered formatting as well as website design.

Moving textarea content to an HTML page

To transit textarea content to an HTML page, nl2br()—a server-side function, say in PHP, could be of interest. It alters newline characters into <br> tags, thus saving formatting.

The <pre> HTML element for preserving format

The <pre> tag stands useful for text with significant whitespace or preformatted code. However, its use leans towards output display, not input fields like textarea.

Context matters: Know what's your output

Identifying whether the user's input is meant for a web page display or a form can influence the handling of line breaks and the overall formatting.

Textarea input versus static HTML display

Handling line breaks in a textarea is often not the same as formatting content for static HTML display.

Environmental factors

Every application calls for a unique approach to handle and display line breaks owing to its unique environment.

Respecting users’ intent

In areas with user-generated content, displaying user input, including line breaks, as entered instead of merging them into a block is vital for maintaining the intended message structure.

Styling line breaks

When displaying text with preserved line breaks, don't forget to tweak the CSS font-family, font-size, and line-height properties. Such adjustments dramatically impact readability.

Consistent rendering across browsers

Always test across various browsers to ensure consistent rendering of line breaks. The default styles of browsers may vary causing unintended visual results.

Remember accessibility

Proper markup semantics and formatting contribute to better user experience for users who utilize assistive technologies. Thus, preserving formatting serves accessibility goals too.