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Order by COUNT per value

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Dec 27, 2024

Here's how to quickly sort records based on their frequency using the COUNT aggregate and GROUP BY clause:

-- Sure, databases do a "COUNT", but can they count ceiling tiles during a boring meeting? SELECT your_column, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM your_table -- It's not you, it's me. Just kidding, it's you. GROUP BY your_column -- Houston, we have sort of... sorts. ORDER BY frequency DESC;

For a more detailed list containing the full dataset and maintaining sort order, pair an inner join with a count subquery:

SELECT a.*, b.frequency FROM your_table a -- I'm tired of being 'left'... let's take it to a new level, how about an 'inner' join? JOIN ( SELECT your_column, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column ) b ON a.your_column = b.your_column -- What do we say to bad order? Not today! ORDER BY b.frequency DESC;

Be sure to replace your_column and your_table with your actual identifiers.

For enhanced interactivity, consider the following pointers:

1. Filtering sparse records

To eliminate scarce occurrences, introduce the HAVING clause:

-- Go big or go home. SELECT your_column, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column HAVING COUNT(your_column) > X ORDER BY frequency DESC;

Update X with the minimum count to pass the filter.

2. Applying pagination

Breakdown large datasets using LIMIT and OFFSET for easier readability:

-- Paging Dr. SQL... SELECT your_column, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT Y OFFSET Z;

Replace Y with your number of results per page and Z with your desired offset value.

Diving deeper into COUNT()

3. Conditional counting

Who said counting is boring? Give it a twist by classifying your data into distinct categories with CASE statements:

-- Let's see how many turn up at my SQL party. SELECT your_column, SUM(CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_1, SUM(CASE WHEN condition_2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_2 FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column ORDER BY count_1 DESC, count_2 DESC;

4. Merging additional intelligence

Combine count data into other tables for a comprehensive insight. Utilise JOIN operations to link and exhibit extended details:

-- It's going to be legen...wait for it...aggregate! SELECT c.*, t.frequency FROM categories c JOIN ( SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM products GROUP BY category_id ) t ON c.id = t.category_id ORDER BY t.frequency DESC;

5. Wrapping around Time

Group by date intervals for time-series analysis using date functions:

-- Time... is on my side, yes it is! SELECT DATE_FORMAT(your_date_column, '%Y-%m') AS year_month, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM your_table GROUP BY year_month ORDER BY year_month DESC;

6. Live streaming with views

Why not wrap all the logic into a VIEW for live visual analytics? It's easier.

-- Sometimes, you just gotta 'view' things from a different 'table'. CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT your_column, COUNT(*) AS frequency FROM your_table GROUP BY your_column;

Smile. You can now extract from this view instead of penning a complex query every time.