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Mysql very slow for alter table query

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 15, 2024

Supercharge MySQL ALTER TABLE operations with:

  • ALGORITHM=INPLACE: Decreases locking, sidesteps full table copy.
  • LOCK=NONE: Grants other sessions table access during alteration.
  • Index Management: Kick out obsolete indexes before, bring in essential ones after.
  • Chunky Operations: For behemoth tables, tweak in chunks to cut downtime.
-- Drop the dead weight, bring in the MVP ALTER TABLE my_table DROP INDEX old_index, ADD INDEX new_index, ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE;

Always trial run to ensure snappy execution and data safety!

Scrutinizing slow ALTER TABLEs

MySQL's ALTER TABLE can sometimes be slower than a turtle wading in molasses due to reasons such as:

  • Staggering table size: With a sea of rows, the database must scribble tons of data.
  • Resource scarcity: Limited memory or I/O power can throttle performance.
  • Index infestation: Extra indexes balloon the quantity of data to process.
  • Simultaneous operations: Other operations on the same table can add to locking woes and time taken.

Enhancer hacks for ALTER TABLE

Remove the clutter, streamline, optimize

Before hitting a large alteration, it's prudent to tidy up:

  • Trash Unused Indexes: Lighten the load by purging unused indexes.
  • Merge Indexes: Combine similar indexes when possible to trim numbers.

High tech tools for low disruption

  • pt-online-schema-change: A lifesaver from the Percona Toolkit that lets you alter tables with negligible production impact.
  • gh-ost: A handy tool from GitHub's desk that allows for online schema changes with minimal load, even during high traffic.
  • lhm: The Large Hadron Migrator provides a virtual stage for large-scale database alterations, allowing changes on the fly.

Crafty tactics during alteration

  • Normalize Your Data: Simplify your data model to shrink table complexity and size.
  • Foreign Key Gymnastics: Temporarily disable foreign_key_checks to speed up foreign key maneuvers.
  • Unique Index Trickery: Similar to above, turning off unique_checks can hasten the rebuild of unique indexes.

Quick fix tips: reducing downtime

A dose of phased approach

A step-wise methodology with pt-online-schema-change:

  1. Create: Forge a new table with the desired structure.
  2. Sync: Gradually copy data in sync with live table.
  3. Copy: Complete data transfer to the new structure.
  4. Swap: Juggle table names in a flash to cut downtime.

Smooth migration sans locks

When you can't afford even the slightest downtime:

  • Bundle alterations into a single operation.
  • mysqldump: Resort to create a new table and import data after alterations.
  • Filesystem copy: Practice runs can save the day by revealing time expectations.

Watch out for potential drawbacks

Certain data types and table engines:

  • Text/BLOB columns: Their storage nature can create a roadblock in alters process.
  • MyISAM Engine: Unlike InnoDB, MyISAM is "allergic" to concurrent alterations due to absence of row-level locking.

Scheduled maintenance windows - best practices

During off-peak hours, remember to:

  • Schedule: Arrange operations for off-peak hours.
  • Announce: Alert users for possible (yet minimized) disruptions.
  • Monitor: Keep an eye on the process and system load using monitoring tools.