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Postgresql - change the size of a varchar column to lower length

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 25, 2024

Executing ALTER TABLE with ALTER COLUMN ... TYPE helps to reduce a varchar column's size. Verify beforehand that all the data corresponds to the new size to eschew errors. Here's a concise command:

ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_column TYPE varchar(50); /*Entering tailor shop. Reduce size to 50. Hope everything fits! 😉*/

Preview data length to adapt to the updated size constraint or deploy the substr function to truncate longer inputs while altering.

Verify before altering

Prior to executing the ALTER TABLE command:

  • Inspect your data with a query to detect entries surpassing the new limit.
  • Opt for the substr function to trim down prolix entries.
SELECT my_column, LENGTH(my_column) FROM my_table WHERE LENGTH(my_column) > 50; /*Kid, you're too tall for this ride.*/

Minimal downtime

In high-availability settings, you can suppress downtime via:

  • Transactions encapsulating the ALTER TABLE statement.
  • Implementing batches on ample tables to regulate memory usage.
  • Append a new column, replicate the data gradually in smaller batches, then interchange columns.

Start a transaction:

BEGIN; ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_column TYPE varchar(50); /*Hang on tight! VARCHAR's going on a rollercoaster ride. 🎢*/ COMMIT;

Applying constraints

In PostgreSQL, VARCHAR and TEXT are handled similarly, optimizing storage dynamically. TEXT with tangible length constraint future-proofs the column:

ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_column TYPE text CHECK (char_length(my_column) <= 50); /*I know TEXT looks big but it’s just fluffy. Constraint makes it VARCHAR-like! 🐻*/

Safety first

Before trimming a column, make sure to:

  • Preserve data integrity: All pre-existing rows should fit within the renewed column constraint.
  • Eliminating excess characters prior to the operation can prevent unintentional data loss.
  • Test any schema changes on your development database before injecting them into production.

This way, you lower the risk of unplanned setbacks during your ALTER TABLE operations.

Future-proofing and adaptation

When it comes to large tables or critical systems, any schema changes need careful planning and execution:

  • Anticipate future trends and changes. Will your requirement for column size differ in future?
  • Application layer validation. Revalidate your client-facing code to adapt it to new column size.
  • Preparing a migration script ensures smooth data transition when altering the schema.