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Mysql OPTIMIZE all tables?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 28, 2024

To optimize all tables in your MySQL database, use this time-saving one-liner:

SELECT CONCAT('OPTIMIZE TABLE ', table_name, ';') FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'YourDatabaseName';

Just remember to replace 'YourDatabaseName' with your actual database name. This promptly generates the SQL commands required.

If you're more comfortable with the shell, try your hand at the mysqlcheck utility. It conveniently employs command-line magic to optimize all tables across all databases:

mysqlcheck -o --all-databases -u root -p

You'll be prompted to enter the MySQL root password, and the -o option (optimize) will deftly compact the tables.

Mastering mysqlcheck

Making the most of the command-line

mysqlcheck excels at batch operations, and it neatly slots into shell scripts for routine database maintenance. Bring out the big guns and use the --auto-repair option to both repair and optimize databases (because who doesn't like a two-for-one deal?):

mysqlcheck -o --auto-repair --all-databases -u root -p

Should you wish to focus on a specific database, trade out --all-databases with your database name:

mysqlcheck -o --auto-repair <db_schema_name> -u root -p

Automation, the developer's best friend

To stay on top of optimization maintenance, why not automate the process? A shell script executing mysqlcheck on a cron schedule keeps your tables clean as a whistle:

0 3 * * * /usr/bin/mysqlcheck -o --all-databases -u root -pYourPassword

This cron job will run the optimization daily at 3 AM. Because even your database deserves some beauty sleep.

PHP scripts: not just for the web

Even in PHP, you can sand and polish all tables in a database:

$mysqli = new mysqli('host', 'user', 'password', 'database'); $result = $mysqli->query('SHOW TABLES'); while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { // Let's just say my TABLE manners are impeccable 😉 $mysqli->query('OPTIMIZE TABLE '.$row[0]); }

But let's not forget our manners - handle exceptions and errors accordingly.

Perks and precautionary tales

mysqlcheck provides you with a detailed status output for each table, an invaluable diagnostic tool. Embrace your inner secret agent and dial in the MySQL root privileges. If you're lacking access, you might need to change or reset the password.

Optimizing tables is imperative for reclaiming unused space and ramping up I/O efficiency. But beware the kraken - large production databases might summon table-locks, causing worrying downtime.

Know thy software

Unfortunately, phpMyAdmin didn't get the memo, so it's best to use a SQL IDE or command line. Shell scripts offer a nimble method for optimization, and PHP scripts can play nice with servers running PHP. Know thy software, and use it wisely.

Advanced techniques and best practices

Custom scripts: tailor to your needs

Sometimes you need to get crafty. Loop over the output of SHOW TABLES and cook up custom OPTIMIZE TABLE statements. Mix in some variables and prepared statements for a robust script:


This tactic allows you to optimize tables based on bespoke criteria set in your script.

Handle large tables with care

For large tables, optimize in off-peak hours to minimize disruption. For InnoDB tables, ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE=InnoDB may be the better option as it often performs better with less locking.

Back it up

Always back up the database before performing any optimization. Tools like mysqldump or services like Amazon S3 make for safe and secure backups. Because no one enjoys the sinking feeling of data loss.