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Limit a stream by a predicate

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 7, 2024

Supercharge your streams in Java with the takeWhile method. When it encounters a false from the predicate, it wraps up its operation:

List<String> filtered = Stream.of("first", "second", "halt", "third") .takeWhile(s -> !"halt".equals(s)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // Output: ["first", "second"]

Consider this the direct approach to putting a leash on your stream.

Java 8 workaround

Pre-JDK 9 DIY takeWhile

In Java 8, we can roll up our sleeves and craft a similar functionality with Spliterator and StreamSupport:

public static <T> Stream<T> takeWhile(Stream<T> stream, Predicate<T> predicate) { Spliterator<T> splitr = stream.spliterator(); return StreamSupport.stream( new Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<T>(splitr.estimateSize(), 0) { boolean stillWorking = true; // coffee breaks are not supported yet @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) { if (stillWorking) { boolean hasNext = splitr.tryAdvance(elem -> { if (predicate.test(elem)) { action.accept(elem); } else { stillWorking = false; // time for that coffee break } }); return hasNext && stillWorking; } return false; } }, false); // parallel streams don't support tea breaks too }

StreamEx to the rescue

StreamEx library does a good "Hold my beer" impression of JDK 9 and offers a takeWhile method:

List<String> list = StreamEx.of("one", "two", "stop", "three") .takeWhile(s -> !"stop".equals(s)) .toList(); // Output: ["one", "two"]

StreamEx pulls the rabbit out of the hat with a stellar performance using MethodHandle.invokeExact.

Protonpack for the win

Protonpack library also has some tricks up its sleeve with a takeWhile function for Java 8:

List<String> result = StreamUtils.takeWhile(Stream.of("1", "2", "stop", "3"), s -> !s.equals("stop")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // Output: ["1", "2"]

Both libraries would make any Java 8 setup punch above its weight by providing ready to use takeWhile creations.

IntStream and predicate combo

The IntStream iterate method, sprinkled with some peek and allMatch, can also wrangle streams:

int[] nums = IntStream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1) .peek(i -> { if (i > 5) throw new BreakerException(); }) // angry bird moment .limit(10) .toArray();

Caveat: BreakerException is used for a break-dance, escaping the operation, which can lead to control freak exceptions.

Efficiency matters

Java 8 version vs Java 9+

While the Java 8 custom takeWhile is cute, it's slower than a snail race against Java 9's built-in method.

Room for improvement

To enjoy built-in and optimized solutions, consider moving to JDK 9 or later.

StreamEx: More than meets the eye

StreamEx isn't just for takeWhile voyages. Its documentation is treasure trove of stream operations, worth exploring.