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Find first element by predicate

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 3, 2024
Optional<YourType> firstMatch = myList.stream() .filter(yourCondition::test) .findFirst();

Harness the power of Java Streams to efficiently locate the first element meeting a specified condition: filter the stream with your predicate and call findFirst(), encapsulating the result in an Optional.

The Stream-lining of finding elements

When it comes to hunting down the first element fitting a certain condition in a collection, Java 8 kickstarted a functional revolution with Streams. It's clean, it's efficient, it's absolutely fantastic.

Laziness is pretty amazing in Java Streams

Stream operations in Java are lazy. What does that mean? Well, just like your roomie, who keeps delaying cleaning up their mess until absolutely necessary — filter also delays its actions until it's required. Thus, when you chain it with findFirst, it stops right at the moment it finds a match — just like your roomie halting at the sight of a pizza. This results in optimal performance.

Nulls aren't scary when you have Objects equals

Building predicates often involve null comparisons. Objects.equals is the ready-made antidote avoiding any potential NullPointerExceptions during these comparisons. It's basically the Iron Man suit that saves your code from NPE stone monsters.

OrElse: the plan B of your code

Not every findFirst operation will result in a value (sadly, unlike finding pizza in a party). So, the Optional provides the orElse method, a default value when the desired item is nowhere to be found. It's like having pasta when there's no pizza - not perfect, but still, something to latch onto!

The James Bond of Java: peek

Want to know what's going through your stream without tampering with it? peek is your James Bond that watches and reports back to MI6 while keeping everything else under the wraps:

myList.stream() .peek(ele -> System.out.println(ele + " is now being picked to pieces. Muhahaha...")) // Check your elements out before filtering .filter(yourCondition::test) .findFirst();

Going the extra mile for performance

Are there any matching elements? Ask anyMatch

When only needing to know if there's any matching element in your collection, without caring about the actual element — anyMatch is your MVP. Its sole purpose in life is to check if a match exists, and it stops at the very moment it finds one, saving your CPU some sweat.

The Marvel team-up: filter and findFirst

filter() paired with findFirst() is a power-packed Marvel team-up that optimizes your code's performance by limiting unnecessary scanning over all the elements. It's like having Iron Man and Captain Marvel scanning for threats — when one finds it, the other stops.

Dealing with reality — uncommon scenarios

When the desired element skips the party

There's always a chance that even after looking through the entire list, you might not find what you're searching for. In such critical situations, recognizing the absence of the element is vital:

Optional<YourType> firstMatch = myList.stream() .filter(yourCondition::test) .findFirst(); if(firstMatch.isPresent()){ // Celebrate! You've got what you desired. } else { // Hey, don't sulk! Better luck next time. }

Parallel streams and predators

In the wilderness of multithreaded applications, the idea of using parallel streams can pop up. In such situations, however, the findAny() method serves better than findFirst(), where the priority isn't the first match, but rather any matching element.

Understanding Streams better — the advanced tips

Beware of creating a Matryoshka doll with Optional

While Optional can prevent a lot of null-related catastrophes, overusing it could create a nested nightmare, leading to verbose code. Use it wisely.

Stream pitfalls can be sneaky

While we all admire the Streams API for its brilliance, it's essential to be aware of their pitfalls, like having overly complex predicates, non-sequential processes, or improper sizing of data structures that can reduce performance gains.