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Lightweight SQL editor for Eclipse

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 29, 2024

Opt for DBeaver, an open-source SQL editor in Eclipse. It provides a user-friendly interface and rich feature set to manage multiple database types:

  • Installing DBeaver:

    • Go to: Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
    • Search and install: DBeaver SQL Editor.
    • Restart Eclipse for the changes to take effect.
  • Setting up a connection:

    • From Database Navigator, right-click; then choose New > Database Connection.
    • Enter your database credentials and connect.

Streamlining SQL tasks with lightweight options

Prefer simplicity and no distractions while editing SQL scripts? SDK - Data Tools Platform Extender is your answer. It offers clean, syntax-highlighted SQL scripting without a heavy database link.

  • Get this SDK in Eclipse's Database Development category.
  • Direct installation link: http://download.eclipse.org/datatools/updates.

SQL editing alternatives in Eclipse


Simple feature. SQLExplorer offers syntax highlighting without the clutter. Think of it as a sharp knife: basic yet efficient.


QuantumDB scores on simplicity and functionality. Get highlighted syntax and SQL formatting with this plugin. Lightweight, just as you like it. Learn more here.

Future enhancements?

Eclipse's SQL editors count undergo enhancements in the future. Expect features like code folding and completion for an even better development flow. Keep fingers crossed!

Choosing the suitable tool

Match your SQL editor to your tasks:

  • Test queries or do occasional database liaison? Choose SQLExplorer or QuantumDB.
  • Want a compact SQL editor? Go with QuantumDB.
  • Require robust database interaction? DBeaver is your ally.

Remember to check each editor's features to align with your needs.

Be prepared for potential problems

Stay ahead of problems by:

  • Ensuring the plugin is frequently updated
  • Checking online forums and Stack Overflow for latest user feedback
  • Verifying compatibility with your Eclipse version

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