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Libxml install error using pip

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 24, 2024

To quickly resolve the libxml installation error, you need to install libxml2-dev. Execute the right command for your system:


# Never underestimate the power of a coffee on a Monday morning sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev


# I would tell you a joke on UDP, but you might not get it sudo yum install libxml2-devel

macOS (using Homebrew):

# Build a coder. If you brew it, code will come brew install libxml2 && brew link --force libxml2

Then install libxml using pip:

# Who said pip install was hard? pip install libxml

If you still encounter issues, set the XML2_CONFIG environment variable to point to the xml2-config path in your shell.

Python development headers: check before install

Before you dive into the installation, verify the presence of Python development headers, especially Python.h. To build correctly, libxml and other packages with C extensions require it.

For Python 2.x, install python-dev:

# The answer to life, universe and the missing Python.h file. sudo apt-get install python-dev

For Python 3.x, go for python3-dev:

# But first, let us install python3-dev sudo apt-get install python3-dev

To avoid ambiguity between Python 2 and Python 3, use pip3 for Python 3 packages:

pip3 install libxml

Facing issues regarding zlib? Maybe an "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz" error? Install zlib1g-dev:

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Deciphering installation errors

When you stumble upon errors, message deciphering is your best friend:

  • Encountering lxml related errors? You probably need to install libxslt-dev, too:

    # And you thought you were done with dependencies! sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev
  • Use the -y flag to be a speedy installation guru!

    # When 'yes' is your answer to everything sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev -y
  • For Red Hat-based systems, package names differ. Install libxslt-devel along with libxml2-devel:

    # When you're a Red Hat fan sudo yum install libxslt-devel -y
  • Challenges persisting? Swapping to an independent Python installation (i.e., Anaconda) might resolve environmental conflicts and build issues:

    # Switch 'conda' on. Let's mix things up a bit. conda install -c anaconda libxml2

Troubleshooting like a pro

Persistent installation problems after applying all suggestions? Remember:

Seek official documentation: Always consult it first. Solutions may be a simple environment variable adjustment away!

Match pip version with Python version: Keep in mind, pip corresponds to Python 2, while pip3 is for Python 3!

System specifics matter: Package names and management commands can vary between operating systems. Learn the specifics of your own!

When in doubt, ask!: Forums and Q&A platforms like Stack Overflow house a wealth of knowledge that you can tap into anytime.