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Install a module using pip for specific python version

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton ShumikhinΒ·Feb 24, 2025

Install a Python package for a specific version of Python using that version's pip directly:

For Python 2:

python2 -m pip install your_module # Ride the Python 2 train πŸš†

For Python 3:

python3 -m pip install your_module # Let's get a sneak peek at the snake charmer's bag 🐍

For minor Python versions, mention it directly:

# Installing for Python 3.8 as an example. python3.8 -m pip install your_module # Python 3.8, because eight is a lucky number! 🎱

Where your_package is the package to install and 3.8 is the specific Python version.

Understanding the -m flag with pip

The -m flag with pip is a golden key to unlocking the specific Python version's pip. Let's unravel a few scenarios to understand its power:

Using -m flag

When you have several Python versions cohabiting, your pip might belong to an unforeseen Python version. The -m flag ensures that pip corresponds to the Python interpreter you specify:

python3.7 -m pip install your_module # Installing your_module like a boss with Python 3.7! πŸ‘”

Python and setuptools

Some older distributions may have an outdated setuptools parcel linked with a different Python version. You may need to update setuptools or use easy_install:

python3.7 -m easy_install --upgrade setuptools # setuptools just got a makeover! πŸ’„

Working with Windows

In the world of Windows, use py -2:

py -2 -m pip install your_module # Python 2 on Windows, because Windows loves even numbers! 🏒

Post installation – Validation

After installing the package, snugly check its compatibility with your python version. Ignoring this step could make your application vomit traceback errors later!

python3.6 -m pip show your_module # Show 'em what you got, your_module! πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ

Virtual environments to the rescue

If you want to quarantine your python packages, embrace virtual environments! They isolate your project space and equip it with version-specific pip and Python:

python3.7 -m venv myenv source myenv/bin/activate pip install your_module # We're on a roll in our clean space suit! πŸŒπŸš€

Dealing with multiple versions of Python on the same system can feel like handling a python snake pit. Let's dive into some tips on skilfully doing this:

Identifying the correct pip version

A specific pip version might already be lurking in your system for your selected Python version. Check with:

pip2.7 --version # Shoutout to pip 2.7 πŸ“’

Using pyenv for handling multiple Python versions

The pyenv tool lets you effortlessly switch between multiple versions of Python. Use:

pyenv install 3.7.2 pyenv local 3.7.2 # Just switched Python versions with the elegance of a ballerina! πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ

The power of Docker for isolation

Want complete isolation and consistency across systems? Turn to Docker! A Dockerfile is all it takes to containerize your Python environment:

# A Python 3.7 lego brick FROM python:3.7 # Because even Python needs a house! 🧱🏠

Package installation validation

Packages can like python versions as much as cats like napping. Some might be incompatible with a specific Python version. Always validate after installation:

python3.7 -m your_module --version # Checking if your_module and Python 3.7 are BFFs 🀞