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Java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 26, 2025
Java 7 and Groovy Compatibility:
  • Vet your Groovy version against your Java SDK.
Groovy Caches House Cleaning:
  • Enter sysadmin mode, and confidently delete ~/.groovy and ~/.grails directories. Pro tip: No broom required, keyboard strokes will do.
Guarding Classpath's Integrity:
  • Throne yourself as a guard and ensure that classpath has all necessary jars. Stand to it, no compromise!
Start Fresh - Clean and Rebuild:
  • Clean your project with the seriousness of a house maid and then rebuild as an ambitious architect.
Java 7 in Build Tools - Settings:

For Gradle fans:

sourceCompatibility = '1.7' // Yeah! No '98 Java please! targetCompatibility = '1.7' // Keep 'em uniform, matchy-matchy!

For Maven admirers:

<properties> <maven.compiler.source>1.7</maven.compiler.source> // Source files, be alert! <maven.compiler.target>1.7</maven.compiler.target> // Target, keep your eyes on the source! </properties>

Verify Gradle Version with JDK

  • March with Gradle 6.3 or later if you're waving the JDK 14 flag. Talk about compatibility, right!?
  • Please welcome the distributionUrl in gradle-wrapper.properties with gradle-6.3-all.zip or its younger siblings.

Check your STS and Spring Boot Compatibility

  • Get your Spring Tool Suite (STS) to settle down with JDK 14 - arrange a compatibility match.
  • Spring Boot and all its friends need to be happy with JDK 14. If not, time for a friendly upgrade!

Maven and Groovy Libraries - It's Complicated!

  • Be a detective with mvn dependency:tree and hunt for unwanted Groovy dependencies.
  • When you have a Maven-based project, it's better you keep your distance with Groovy dependencies.

Transitive Dependencies - Handle with Care

  • Address issues with spring-cloud-contract-verifier; its transitive dependencies can be tricky.
  • If you've brought spring-cloud-contract-maven-plugin along, make sure it's version 2.2.3-RELEASE or later.


Imagine your Java application as a skyline full of skyscrapers (🏙️), each representing a class:

🏙️ = Your Java App = A Skyline 🏢 = A Class = One Skyscraper

The NoClassDefFoundError is like coming across an empty lot where a skyscraper was supposed to be:

Before: [🏢, 🏢, 🏢, 🚧, 🏢] After: [🏢, 🏢, 🏢, 🏢] // Looks like someone forgot to pay rent!

Java7 (🏗️) is the construction crew that builds and prepares the skyscraper (class):

🏗️ = Groovy's Java7 plugin = Construction Crew

If the crew can't work (could not initialize), the building is missing from the skyline (app):

Initialization Issue: [🏢, 🏢, 🏢, 🚧👷‍♂️❌, 🏢] Result: NoClassDefFoundError, as the skyscraper 🚧 (class) isn't there! // Maybe they're on strike?

OpenJDK and Oracle JDK - Let's Crack the Compatibility

  • Love Oracle JDK but still use OpenJDK? Try the switch if the compatibility issue lingers.
  • Ensure IDE settings are decked up to welcome the JDK version you're using.

Project Configuration - The Control Room

  • Tweak classpath and project configuration for OpenJDK 14 compatibility. One wrong setting, and it's chaos.
  • After altering any configurations, be a diligent developer and rebuild your project.

Groovy Usage - A Necessary Pain

  • If you're dining with Groovy, escape problems by carrying org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:3.0.8 or another compatible version.
  • Refrain from dependency fights; tackle conflicts to abort class initialization errors.

Customized Troubleshooting and Seeking Help

  • Documentation is the unsung hero in software development. Embrace it.
  • Feel stuck or beset by unusual compatibility problems? Don't hesitate to reach out to the Spring Boot community. They're pretty amazing!

Conflict Hunters - Third-Party Plugin Integrations

  • Sniff out any plugin or library conflicts that could sabotage your JDK or Spring Boot configuration.
  • All dependencies and plugins need to be in harmony with your setup.