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Gradle: Could not determine java version from '11.0.2'

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Feb 9, 2025

Punch the error in the face! Use a Gradle version that recognizes Java 11, such as 5.0 or higher. Update your gradle-wrapper.properties file:


For a life without JRE installation errors, aim for the latest stable release.

To modernize your existing tired Gradle wrapper from the stone age to the bright version 5.1.1, run:

//You shall not pass until you upgrade! ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=5.1.1

Quick understanding: What's this fuss about?

The error Could not determine java version from '11.0.2' erupts when your Gradle version is too old and grumpy to recognize the hip and trendy newer Java version. We need an upgraded Gradle version to match the beat.

Breaking it down: Step-by-step solution

Checking your current Gradle setup

Inspect your current Gradle version using:

./gradlew --version

If this doesn't match your JDK, your gradle-wrapper.properties needs a makeover! Update the distributionUrl to a compatible version:


Gradually advancing your Gradle version

If your project's Gradle version seems too outdated, it's time for some progressive enhancements. Upgrade to the minimal version that supports JDK 11 and then smash any arising bugs one at a time.

Checking JAVA_HOME and PATH

Cross-check your JAVA_HOME environment variable. It should align with your JDK 11 installation. Use echo $JAVA_HOME (Unix) or echo %JAVA_HOME% (Windows) to confirm. If it's stuck on another version, give it the boot.

If you're juggling multiple Java versions use:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

to select your preferred Java version.

Addressing Gradle compatibility issues

If your Gradle's upgraded version introduces new ninjas (a.k.a. problems😉), it's time to channel your inner Samurai. Crush those package dependencies or configuration mismatches.

What could possibly go wrong?

Dealing with an incompatible Gradle Wrapper

If you cannot upgrade your project's Gradle wrapper (maybe it just isn't ready for change), you can use a system-wide Gradle installation that plays well with JDK 11:

gradle build

Just ensure you have Gradle 5.1.1 installed system-wide and set to GRADLE_HOME.

Managing environment variable clashes

Aside from JAVA_HOME, other environment variables like GRADLE_HOME or PATH may point to older versions of Java or Gradle. Survey and correct them if need be.

Repository and configuration files checks

If the distributionUrl refuses to cooperate, scout your software repository for a compatible Gradle version or download it like a pro from the Gradle website.

More ways to tackle this

Downgrading Java

If all else fails and you need a quick-fix, consider putting your Java version on a diet and downsize it to match the Gradle version.

Embrace community support

If you're dealing with a stubborn problem, don't hesitate to ask for help. The Gradle community and forums are filled with people who have battled similar demons and can guide you towards victory.

Pay attention to project-specific considerations

Large, complex projects may contain customs and traditions that require careful inspection of build scripts to ensure all tasks and plugins feel at home with the new Gradle version.