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Is there a way to list open transactions on SQL Server 2000 database?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 12, 2024

Let's cut to the chase. Call upon your inner Sherlock Holmes and use this clever query to identify active transactions:

-- Watson, we have found the open transactions! SELECT spid, loginame, hostname, db_name(dbid) AS dbname FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE open_tran > 0

This query will provide process identifiers (spid), usernames (loginame), hostnames, and the databases that have open transactions. It's like a roadmap signaling where the unfinished business lies.

Detailed answer: Tracking open transactions in SQL Server 2000

To fully understand how open transactions operate and how to manage them in SQL Server 2000, further exploration is warranted.

Understanding sys.sysprocesses

Consider the sysprocesses system table as the control room of SQL Server 2000. It contains details about current processes running on your server. We're particularly interested in the open_tran column, which indicates uncommitted transactions. By singling out processes where open_tran > 0, we're essentially flagging sessions with unfinished business.

Using DBCC OPENTRAN... wisely!

DBCC OPENTRAN is your secret decoder ring. It's an essential tool for revealing the oldest active transactions and for determining which transactions are preventing log truncation. It's highly useful in times of maintenance, helping to address snags caused by lingering transactions.

-- Ready to unveil the ancient transactions? Hold your breath! DBCC OPENTRAN

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. As a DBCC command, it might take a heavier lock in your system, so use it with discretion, especially on high-transaction systems, where even a small delay can cause a ripple effect!

Enlighten yourself with replicated transactions

If replication is employed, DBCC OPENTRAN reveals information about the transactions being replicated. This feature is your loyal friend when you're troubleshooting replication latencies or log shipping issues.

No sys.dm_tran*? No problem!

Remember, SQL Server 2000 doesn't support sys.dm_tran_active_transactions and sys.dm_tran_session_transactions, which are often used in the successors of SQL Server 2000. Instead, the trusty old sys.sysprocesses is your go-to view when dealing with transactions.

When tranquility reigns

In a scenario where no transactions are open, DBCC OPENTRAN kindly informs you: "No active open transactions". It's calm seas ahead!

When it's time to say goodbyes

In some cases, an open transaction overstays its welcome. While the KILL command in SQL Server 2000 can't act on sessions, it can still use the spid to terminate sessions and the transactions they hold.

-- "Adios, Amigos!" in SQL lingo ;) KILL [spid]

Embracing limitations and finding possibilities

While SQL Server 2000 may not offer the same treatment of transactions as its modern versions, knowing it inside out and using it to its maximum potential are the key to sound transaction management.