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Input type="submit" Vs button tag are they interchangeable?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 6, 2024

<input type="submit"> is specifically meant for submitting forms with a textual label, while <button> allows nesting of HTML and CSS to create rich and stylistic content.

Let's compare:

Submit with <input>:

<!-- Simple submit button, does the job, no bells or whistles --> <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Rich content with <button>:

<!-- Styling, like bag of chips with extra cheese --> <button type="submit"><strong>Submit</strong> Form</button>

Although they both submit a form, each has unique features that make them relevant in different programming contexts.

HTML tags: More than just form submission

Unlike the <input type="submit">, the <button> tag enables you to nest other HTML elements such as images or even entire blocks of text. This makes <button> handy for delivering a visually engaging interface.

For instance:

<!-- Button with personality, can even show images --> <button type="submit"><img src="icon.png" alt=""> Submit Form</button>

Riding the wave of semantic HTML

Semantic HTML is considered best practice in modern web development and HTML5. It's not just for we developers, but also for search engines and assistive technologies. By using a <button> element, you let them understand the intended role of your HTML element.

Browser compatibility and rendering

Diving into the W3C specifications, you'll observe that <input> and <button> serve similar purposes. However, <input> comes with wholesome compatibility across older browsers. But if you are bothered about cross-browser rendering issues like uneven heights and alignments, <button> is your stronghold.

Styling: Are you the 'CSS' to my 'HTML'?

When it comes to styling, <button> is a developer's best friend. It behaves much more predictably across different browsers when applying CSS styles. Thus, <button> ensures a uniform look and feel to your interface.

Tags and practical usability

Functionality is fundamental. The <input type="button"> does not provide any default action, while <input type="submit"> submits the form by default. However, <button> does all that and more by also allowing extra functionality via <button type="reset">.

The little differences: Structural and Nests

The <input> tag cannot nest other elements, as it is self-closing. However, <button> can wrap content providing more flexibility for rich text labels and structure.

Framework recommendations: As Bootstrap sees it

Popular CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap take the lead by recommending <button> over <input type="button">. This is due to better styling capabilities and accessibility compliance. Here is the link to Bootstrap's button guidelines: Bootstrap Button Guidelines.

Audience and browser support

While <input> still stands strong for simplicity and backward compatibility, <button> is highly favored for its feature-packed and versatile nature. However, your project needs and audience browser preference should be the deciding factor.