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Html5 doctype putting IE9 into quirks mode?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 25, 2025

For ensuring IE9 operates in standards mode, incorporate the correct doctype:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Secure it absolutely first in your HTML, without preceding characters or spaces. Even hidden miscues like a BOM (Byte Order Mark), are capable of forcing IE9 into quirks mode. Confirm your document mode with the F12 Developer Tools.

Nudging IE9 into Standards Mode

To push IE9 into standards mode, insert the correct meta tag in the <head> section:

<!-- This line makes IE and Chrome sit up straight in their chairs --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

By doing so, IE9 gets the instruction to utilize the most advanced rendering engine and Google Chrome Frame (if installed) for an optimal user experience.

Traps You Should Dodge

Avoid placing comments or other elements before the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.

Helping IE9 Play Nice with HTML5

To ensure your HTML and CSS are fully compliant, use the W3C Markup Validation Service and CSS Validation Service. This could help eliminate layout issues that seem like a doctype-related quirks mode problem.

Coding Defensively for IE9

When IE-version-specific instructions are required, make use of conditional comments:

<!--[if IE 9]> We got your back, IE9! <![endif]-->

Consistency is Your Best Friend

Boost IE9 compatibility by maintaining consistent doctype declarations across all your pages. This ensures a uniform rendering experience for the user across your website.

Cross-Browser Testing is Vital

It's essential to test your page across multiple browsers, including IE9, to avoid unexpected surprises.

Clean Code Promotes Clear Render

When it comes to HTML5, excess fluff is a big no. Stick to necessary elements and attributes to ensure fast and efficient browser rendering, especially for old guards like IE9.