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How to use user variables in MySQL LIKE clause?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 3, 2025

Let's quickly resolve this by executing a wildcard search in MySQL. We integrate a user-defined variable with wildcards in the LIKE clause:

SET @searchVar := 'value'; -- 'value' is the elusive radio signal we're tuning into SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE CONCAT('%', @searchVar, '%');

The emphasis here is on combining CONCAT, % wildcards, and @searchVar to sieve out records column that hold the string 'value'. Do not forget to initialize @searchVar before using it!

Variable initialization: Getting it Right

Correctly setting the @variable in the preamble of your query is paramount:

SET @variable := 'knock_knock'; -- Who's there? Your search string. SELECT ... LIKE CONCAT('%', @variable, '%');

Tuning in Collation: Setting the Correct Channel

When setting up your variable, be sure it's tuned for the correct program, in other words, match the table column collation:

SELECT ... LIKE CONCAT('%', @variable COLLATE utf8_general_ci, '%');

Prepared statements: Your Listener's Guide

Boost security like it's armed with a taser by keeping prepared statements in your radio toolkit:

PREPARE stmt FROM 'SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE ?'; SET @variable := '%knock_knock%'; -- Still waiting for the punchline EXECUTE stmt USING @variable; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;

Adding some Jazz to dynamic search patterns

Sometimes, you might need to fiddle with the search term depending on the scenario:

SET @baseSearch = 'ACDC'; SET @prefix = '%ForThose'; SET @suffix = 'RockNRoll%'; SET @searchVar := CONCAT(@prefix, @baseSearch, @suffix);

Debugging: Radio Diagnostics

For those times when your radio's a bit fuzzy and you need to troubleshoot queries, echo the variables and SQL:

SELECT CONCAT('SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE ''', CONCAT('%', @variable, '%'), '''');

Security: Keeping Your Frequency Clear

Prevent SQL injection by treating user inputs as a potential trojan horse. Ensure you sweep for bugs or use parameterized queries:

-- Escaping user inputs, the shampoo of SQL input sanitation SET @userInput := 'ThisIsDefinitelyNotASQLInjection'; SET @safeInput := escape_function(@userInput); SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE CONCAT('%', @safeInput, '%');

Enhancing your SQL Tuning Skills

Sharpen your SQL skills by considering these additional techniques and precautions when incorporating user variables with LIKE.

How to Escape Your Characters

Escape literal % or _ in user variables for them to stop playing hide-and-seek in searches:

SET @userInput := '20% discount'; -- Now discounted by constraint '%' SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE CONCAT('%', REPLACE(@userInput, '%', '\\%'), '%');

The Ghost in Your Datasets: NULL values

NULL values lurk in variables and columns like extra terrestrial signals. Use COALESCE or IFNULL to manage them:

SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE CONCAT('%', COALESCE(@variable, 'SETI_not_found'), '%');

The Art of dynamic variable assignment

Assign patterns directly to the variable in a SELECT INTO statement for elaborate concatenations:

SELECT CONCAT('%', @userInput, '%') INTO @likePattern; SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE @likePattern;

The Case of Sensitivity

Your search's case sensitivity could be pivotal:

SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE CONCAT('%', @variable COLLATE utf8_bin, '%');

To bypass the case concern, adhere to a case-insensitive collation.

Advanced Variable Jockeying

Churn out advanced pattern matches by fusing multiple variables:

SET @start := '_start' COLLATE utf8_general_ci; SET @end := '_end' COLLATE utf8_general_ci; SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE CONCAT(@start, '%', @end);