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How to use a calculated column to calculate another column in the same view

Alex KataevbyAlex KataevยทOct 24, 2024

Use a Common Table Expressions (WITH clause) to create a computation layer or inline the calculation in the final select. Compute the first calculated column, then reference it for the second calculation:

WITH CTE AS ( SELECT base_column, (base_column * factor) AS first_calc -- Let's do some math ๐Ÿงฎ FROM table_name ) SELECT base_column, first_calc, (first_calc + offset) AS second_calc -- Let's do it again! ๐Ÿ”„ FROM CTE;

Here, first_calc is calculated in the CTE and reused in the main query for second_calc. This technique ensures correct sequencing of calculations while maintaining readability.

Crafting queries efficiently

Things can get messy with complex SQL computations. Here are the tools to keep it tidy:

Nested queries

If simplicity is the goal, a nested query does wonders:

SELECT outer_col, (SELECT AVG(inner_col) FROM inner_table WHERE ...) AS avg_val -- Nesting time! ๐Ÿฃ FROM outer_table;

Cross apply in SQL Server

CROSS APPLY: Your handy sidekick when joining becomes a nuisance:

SELECT base_column, calc_column, applied_calc.* FROM table_name CROSS APPLY (SELECT (base_column + calc_column) * factor AS new_calc) AS applied_calc; -- Meet APPLY, less complex than JOINS ๐Ÿค

Optimal use of functions

Using functions? Choose ones that don't slow things down:

SELECT col1, expensive_function(col1) AS func_result, -- i.e, not the function you take home to meet your parents ๐Ÿ™ˆ func_result / factor AS final_result FROM table_name;

The delicate art of performance optimization

Performance can make or break your SQL queries, especially with calculated columns:

When it pays to repeat calculations

If a calculation is light, it might not hurt to repeat it:

SELECT (col1 + col2) AS calc1, (calc1 / 2) + col3 AS calc2 -- Let's do the math tango one more time ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ’ƒ FROM table_name;

Conditional play with case expressions

In SQL, we have case expressions where you set the calculation rules:

SELECT base_column, CASE WHEN base_column > 0 THEN (base_column * multiplier) -- it's a "mult-ply" when > 0 ๐Ÿงฎ ELSE 0 END AS conditional_calc FROM table_name;

Advanced computation techniques

For off-the-beaten-path scenarios, SQL stands ready:

Leveraging APPLY in Oracle

It's called LATERAL in Oracle 12c+, but it's the same as SQL Server's APPLY:

SELECT t.column1, v.calculated_column FROM table_name t, LATERAL (SELECT (t.column1 * factor) AS calculated_column FROM dual) v; -- APPLY's long-lost cousin, LATERAL ๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Use CTE with OFFSET/FETCH for pagination

With Common Table Expressions and OFFSET/FETCH, you get calculated columns and pagination all in one:

WITH RankedItems AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY base_column) AS rn, -- SQL's version of musical chairs ๐Ÿช‘ base_column, computation(base_column) AS calc FROM table_name ) SELECT * FROM RankedItems WHERE rn BETWEEN @startRow AND @endRow ORDER BY rn;

Validating calculations with sample data

Insert mock data using INSERT INTO to validate your view's calculations:

INSERT INTO table_name (base_column, ...) VALUES (1, ...), (2, ...); -- Insert mock data, not mocker of your data ๐Ÿ˜ˆ