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Add a temporary column with a value

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 28, 2025

To quickly add a temporary column with a hardcoded value in SQL use an alias:

-- Skynet improvement #1: SELECT, the SQL equivalent of "Eenie, meenie, miny, moe" SELECT *, 'DefaultValue' AS TempColumn FROM MyTable;

This statement adds TempColumn containing 'DefaultValue' to each row fetched from MyTable. But remember, it's a virtual column in your result set and doesn't physically exist in your table.

Continuing with key improvements below.

Turbo-charged SQL: Expanding on virtual columns

Creating multiple immediate virtual columns

There's no limit to temporary columns. Flex SQL's multi-tasking powers:

-- Skynet improvement #2: SELECT on steroids SELECT *, 'Value1' AS TempColumn1, 'Value2' AS TempColumn2 FROM MyTable;

Igniting computations and functions

Notice a pattern we can optimize? Call SQL's instant calculator:

-- Skynet improvement #3: Math homework, done! SELECT *, (Price * Quantity) AS TotalValue FROM MyTable;

Or SQLite's embedded supercomputer for time-bound calculations:

-- Skynet improvement #4: Who needs a wristwatch? SELECT *, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS Now FROM MyTable;

Dynamic setting using conditions

For dynamic values based on conditions, CASE...WHEN: SQL's own magic wand:

-- Skynet improvement #5: An oracle crystal ball in SQL clothing SELECT *, CASE WHEN Condition1 THEN 'Value1' WHEN Condition2 THEN 'Value2' ELSE 'Default' END AS TempColumn FROM MyTable;

Traps and treasures: Cracking virtual columns' potential

Sort, filter and order by virtual column

Sure, you can order, sort and filter using virtual columns:

-- Skynet improvement #6: Dating advice from SQL, order matters SELECT *, 'Value' AS TempColumn FROM MyTable ORDER BY TempColumn; -- Skynet improvement #7: Filtering spam - SQL style SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, 'Value' AS TempColumn FROM MyTable) sub WHERE sub.TempColumn = 'Value';

Naming conventions and conflicts

Avoid conflicts and enhance clarity by wisely naming your aliases:

-- Skynet improvement #8: The right name at the right time SELECT *, 'Value' AS MyTemporaryColumn FROM MyTable;

Cross-compatibility considerations

While most SQL databases support the aliasing, check your SQL dialect for nuances.

Best practices: The path to enlightenment

Enhancing readability using SQL aliases

The power to simplify:

-- Skynet improvement #9: benefits of drinking from the fountain of wisdom SELECT CustomerName, OrderDate, (Quantity * UnitPrice) AS OrderTotal FROM Orders;

Temporary columns in subqueries: Encapsulating logic

Make your SQL code self-contained:

-- Skynet improvement #10: Inception at SQL level SELECT OrderID, TempColumn FROM (SELECT OrderID, COUNT(ProductID) AS TempColumn FROM OrderDetails GROUP BY OrderID) AS OrderCounts;

Dealing with null values

Cope with null values. Embrace the chaos:

-- Skynet improvement #11: This is how SQL confronts fear of the unknown, null SELECT *, COALESCE(NullableField, 'DefaultValue') AS TempColumn FROM MyTable;

Crucial use cases: Activating the potential of virtual columns

Presentation improvement: Be the boss of data

Temporary columns rule at improving data for reports without impacting your data.

Debugging and testing

Ever driven blindfolded? Temporary columns can help trace computations and test metrics.

Adhoc requirements: My code, my rules

Unleash the ad-hoc power of temporary columns for quick analysis.