How to tell if a JavaScript function is defined
Invaluable in its brevity, the typeof
check reveals if the identifier even has a chance to be invoked. Here's how it fares:
Function existence alone doesn't mean it's callable
In the lively stage of JavaScript, callbacks are passed around and functions may be invoked conditionally. Before executing a function, ensure its occurrence and functional identity to dodge the popular error message "callback is not a function" - a notorious, code crashing party pooper.
This surefire way of evaluation promises you are calling real functions, not phantom functions or cat video URLs, fortifying your code's robustness against unexpected shenanigans.
Why repeat when you can define? - Introducing utility functions
Seeing typeof
mentioned every now and then can get tedious, and may add a grey strand to your maintainability beard. Worry not, utility functions to the rescue!
By using the isFunction
utility function, you not only dodge repeating code, but also increase clarity. Now, the function check is so transparent that even a myFunction.isFunction("transparency")
would return true.
Unexplored territories and edge cases
Even functions are citizens here
JavaScript treats functions as first-class citizens. They have the privilege to be passed around like variables. Also, they can morph into non-function entities, and throw a wrench into your function machinery unexpectedly:
Hence, always check if your function is truly a function, and not on a vacation.
Arrow functions and their class(y) friends
Different scoping and this binding behaviors are introduced to the function society with the advent of arrow functions and class methods. Here's how to check if they are indeed functions:
Home is where the function is - or is it?
If you're performing checks in separate execution contexts like window
or global
, your function might be playing hide-and-seek due to scope:
Grasping the scope of your functions can help you chase them down, in case they try to hide in the multiverse of modules, contexts, and patterns.
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