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Check if a variable is of function type

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 16, 2024

Verify if your variable is a function using:

if (typeof myVariable === 'function') { // It's an All-Star function. }

The typeof operator performs a speedy, up-front function type verification.

The good, the bad, and the typeof

typeof is a solid choice for quickly checking if a variable is a function. It's as reliable as getting fries with a burger. Yet, caution is needed. Put a wrong letter in your comparison, and you've got a silent failure brewing, much like a typo in your CSS making your page into abstract art:

function isAFunction(variable) { return typeof variable === 'function'; } if (isAFunction(myVariable)) { // Who's got two thumbs and is a function? This guy! }

Function: A tale of two checks

When typeof feels too mainstream, swing to the beat of instanceof. This operator is great for checking functions even from different realms, just like recognizing a cola no matter the brand:

if (myVariable instanceof Function) { // I function, therefore I am. }

For a more explicit check, dial Object.prototype.toString. But be warned, it's a bit picky and won't recognize your modern async, generator, or proxied functions:

if (Object.prototype.toString.call(myVariable) === '[object Function]') { // Function mode: Activated! }

When libraries hold the answers

If you are a fan of Lodash or Underscore.js, they have a nifty _.isFunction() method. It's like having a personal assistant to check your variables:

if (_.isFunction(myVariable)) { // It's almost like the Library of Congress verified it's a function! }

These libraries go the extra mile, checking for more edge cases.

Framework general store

Some frameworks like Angular come with helper functions such as angular.isFunction() which are optimized and reliable under framework conditions. Use them if your code stays within the ecosystem.

Ghost of libraries past

Stay away from deprecated methods like .isFunction() from jQuery post-3.3 and util.isFunction() deprecated in Node.js v4.0.0. It's like using Windows 95 in 2022!

Warp speed checks

Running code in warehouses or mars rovers? Then every millisecond counts! Use benchmarks like https://jsben.ch/B6h73 to choose the most efficient function check for your use-case.

Tips from the JavaScript trenches

Reusable gear

Wrap common checks in a reusable function. This makes your code DRY and avoids repeating checks:

function isFunction(val) { return typeof val === 'function'; }

Handle with care

When calling a function dynamically, always use try-catch to prevent script halts due to unexpected errors:

if (isFunction(myVariable)) { try { myVariable(); } catch (error) { // Hmmm... that didn't work as planned. } }

Different realms, different rules

In JavaScript, same-origin policy extends to execution context too. instanceof can incorrectly judge functions from different frames or windows. Object.prototype.toString or utility checks should be your safety net for such cases.