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How to reload page every 5 seconds?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Feb 20, 2025

Need to refresh your web page every 5 seconds? No problem! Use this single line of code:

setInterval(() => window.location.reload(), 5000); // Simple yet elegant!

This uses the setInterval() method which runs window.location.reload() every 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds), giving you a refresh cycle as regular as a grandfather clock.

Different Strokes for Different Folks: Alternative Methods

Not all web pages are created equal. Sometimes, the one-liner might not be the best fit for your needs. Fear not, for we've got some other arrows in our quiver:

  1. A new broom sweeps clean: Use window.location.reload(true); to clean out the cache and ensure that you're working with the latest, spickest, spankinest content!
  2. For that special someone: Need to reload a specific URL? Drop a <meta> tag into your head like so: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=http://www.yourdomain.com/yoursite.html">. It's like sending a web page postcard every 5 seconds!
  3. Work smarter, not harder: If you're developing a project, try a tool like ReloadIt. It watches for changes in a directory and refreshes the page, saving your F5 key from a horrible death due to overuse.

Don’t forget to think about your users and technical requirements when choosing your method.

Best Practices and Precautions

  • Server's day off: Make sure your server isn't overworked with constant reloads, especially if you’ve got lots of users doing the refresh shuffle.
  • Spring cleaning: Periodic reloads can leave behind memory debris if not handled properly. Keep an eye out for performance issues.
  • Ace up the sleeve: If JavaScript is disabled in the browser, having the <meta> tag method up your sleeve ensures functionality is preserved.

Practical Scenarios

  • Stock watchers: Real-time stock levels in e-commerce dashboards.
  • News Junkies: Updating social feeds or comments live.
  • Data Nerds: Monitoring system stats in admin panels.