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How to identify which OS Python is running on

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 23, 2024

platform.system() from the platform module quickly determines the OS type:

import platform print(platform.system()) # Prints 'Windows', 'Darwin', or 'Linux'

For more detailed OS information, such as version and build number, use platform.platform():

print(platform.platform()) # Prints the OS name followed by version and build details

Operating deeper with os and sys

For more granular control over OS detection, Python also provides os.name and sys.platform:

import os import sys # Prints 'nt' for Windows and 'posix' for POSIX-based systems. Like wearing an OS name-tag. print(os.name) # Prints 'win32', 'darwin' for macOS, 'linux' or 'linux2' for Linux. The Swiss Army knife of OS detection. print(sys.platform)

These variables can come in handy when your code needs to behave in a os-specific manner.

Version matters: release and version

Different operating systems and even different versions of the same OS can sometimes lead to program quirks. Use platform.release() and platform.version() to handle these nuances:

# Prints the version, like '10' for Windows 10. Microsoft sure does love their numbers. print(platform.release()) # The detailed version number, perfect for the tech savvy and the curious. print(platform.version())

Utilize these functions to tweak your program to handle specific OS versions.

OS-specific adjustments

When your pythonic masterpiece has to adapt to different operating systems, conditional statements can manage such tasks:

# I'm looking at you, different file paths if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Do Windows stuff. elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # Linux stuff goes here. elif sys.platform == 'darwin': # When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Or in this case, do as the Macs do.

These OS-specific adjustments make your program robust and maintain its portability.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Understanding the os-based quirks is crucial for impeccable platform-specific code:

  • Don't assume 'linux2' will crop up only on older systems, verify with platform.release().
  • 'darwin' is the name you'll get for macOS versions in sys.platform. It's not a biology class, it's just macOS in disguise.
  • Sometimes using os.name can be too broad, as it puts all Unix-like OSes in the same 'posix' box. Consider using finer attributes when dealing with specific Unix-like systems.

OS detection in practice

Take file path management as an example. The right (or wrong) slashes can make all the difference:

# Because why would we all agree on using the same file path format? That would be too simple. if os.name == 'nt': # Windows path path = 'C:\\Users\\Username\\file.txt' else: path = '/home/username/file.txt' # For POSIX-based systems

In networking scripts or system administration tasks, knowing your OS can help you automate platform-specific operations smoothly.