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Find full path of the Python interpreter?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 16, 2024

For a quick "get me Python's location stat" solution:

import sys print(sys.executable)

This nifty snippet spits out the full path of the Python interpreter that's currently playing the role of the script conductor.

Deep-dive into sys.executable

The sys.executable attribute is your infallible guide to the Python interpreter location. This is the absolute path to the binary that runs your script. Need to log the path for debugging purpose? Or ensure you're using the desired Python interpreter across many operating systems? Say no more, sys.executable is here! Keeping debugging adventures and interpreter strictness in check.

Working with virtual environments? sys.executable reveals if the code execution is happening within the Python interpreter of the virtual environment or outside the wall, in the system-wide Python.

Additional Python techniques to find the path

Environment variable lookup, anyone?

Peek into environment variables, there could be a surprise:

import os print(os.environ.get('_'))

With os.environ['_'], you muster a cross-platform way to fetch the interpreter path. No need to wrestle with confusing path manipulations. Bye, complex path match-ups!

Love shell commands? Here you go!

You can borrow the power of shell commands:

import os print(os.popen('which python').read().strip()) # Unix-like systems print(os.popen('whereis python').read().strip()) # Windows (Cygwin)

These are handy commands that carry out detective work for you, reporting back with the whereabouts of the Python interpreter. The first command asks nicely, "Won't you show me the iOS interpreter, dear Shell?" The second command is more Windows-style, flexing some Cygwin muscle.

Be a pathfinding ninja: troubleshooting tips

Sometimes, the path screams, "I'm a symbolically linked path, good luck finding my actual location!" If our dear path turns out to be a symlink, here's a way to uncover its true identity:

readlink -f $(which python) # "I see your true colors!"

Disclaimer: This trick works on sympathizing systems (mostly Linux and macOS) that support symlinks.

Using virtual environments? Have some tips!

Remember, when you're in a virtual environment, the path revealed by sys.executable could be different from the system's default Python. It emits the path to the Python interpreter that's active within the current environment. If you juggle between different Python versions, bookmark this tip!