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How to Concatenate Text from Multiple Rows into a Single Text String in SQL Server

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 6, 2024

Eager to hit the ground running? Use STRING_AGG to merge multiple Name entries in SQL Server 2017+.

SELECT STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') FROM YourTableName;

With STRING_AGG, rows are harmoniously concatenated and , serves as your accord.

Digging deeper with STRING_AGG

For grouping purposes, we concatenate values associated with a particular key using GROUP BY statement:

-- Because birds of a feather flock together 🐦 SELECT SubjectID, STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') FROM Students GROUP BY SubjectID;

Need to order names alphabetically in the string? No problem!

-- Have it arranged like an old school phonebook SELECT SubjectID, STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY Name ASC) FROM Students GROUP BY SubjectID;

Pre-2017? FOR XML PATH to the rescue

If you live in the past with SQL Server versions below 2017 leaning on FOR XML PATH is the way to go:

-- For all the SQL Server oldies out there 🙌 SELECT SubjectID, STUFF((SELECT ', ' + Name FROM Students WHERE (SubjectID = Results.SubjectID) FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') FROM (SELECT DISTINCT SubjectID FROM Students) Results;

The STUFF function removes the unwanted comma at the start, .value ensures spot-on conversion from XML.

The magic wand: COALESCE for string concatenation

COALESCE comes to the rescue when building a dynamic string within a select statement:

-- Abracadabra! 🪄 Dynamic string, appear! DECLARE @students NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @students = COALESCE(@students + ', ', '') + Name FROM Students;

This creates the collated string list of all students.

Wrangling null values and whitespace

Are NULL entries proving a nuisance? Consider them handled:

-- A null by any other name would smell as sweet SELECT STRING_AGG(ISNULL(Name, 'N/A'), ', ') FROM Students;

Loathe messy white spaces? Let's sweep them under the mat:

-- This is some next level Marie Kondo tidying up 🧹 SELECT STRING_AGG(LTRIM(RTRIM(Name)), ', ') FROM Students;

Enhancements: Performance optimization

For those living in the fast lane, with complex data sets, performance-tuned tweaks are key:

  • Filtered indexes or temporary tables to reduce data before concatenation.
  • Batch selections over one large concatenation for weighty data sets.

Tricks of the trade

  1. Delimiters in values: Employ REPLACE if your column values may contain the delimiter:
-- This is the part where we play hide and seek 🙈🙉 SELECT STRING_AGG(REPLACE(Name, ',', ';'), ', ') FROM Students;
  1. JSON methods: SQL Server 2016 offers a different toy box, JSON functions:
-- Who needs glue when you've got JSON 🧩 SELECT SubjectID, REPLACE((SELECT Name AS "item" FROM Students FOR JSON PATH), '{"item":"', '') AS Names FROM Students GROUP BY SubjectID;

Using .value to cast XML values

Working with XML data calls for casting. The .value method does the trick in SQL Server 2005:

-- A wild XML appeared! .value used convert. It's super effective! 🎮 SELECT (SELECT Name + ', ' FROM Students FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)');

This ensures apt nVarChar conversions from XML.

Prefixing with unique identifiers

For distinguishment enthusiasts, unique identifiers prefix to the rescue:

-- Badge, number and name, please! 🎫 SELECT STRING_AGG(CAST(ID AS NVARCHAR(10)) + ':' + Name, ', ') FROM Students;

Bypassing character encoding issues

Non-standard characters can be disruptive. Here's a detour:

-- Because a clean SQL query is a happy SQL query 🧼 SELECT STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') FROM Students WHERE Name NOT LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ,]%'

Uses regex-like patterns to exclude anomalous characters.