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Group BY to combine/concat a column

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 8, 2024

Efficiently concatenate group values in SQL with STRING_AGG, which merges column data using a specified delimiter within a GROUP BY.

Apply this syntax for SQL Server and PostgreSQL:

SELECT GroupColumn, STRING_AGG(ConcatColumn, ', ') AS CombinedColumn FROM YourTable GROUP BY GroupColumn;

Just substitute GroupColumn with your desired grouping field and ConcatColumn with the field to be combined. If STRING_AGG isn't available, search no more. Try GROUP_CONCAT for MySQL or LISTAGG for Oracle.

If none of these functions work, grab a coffee ☕ and stick around. There's an alternative method using STUFF() and FOR XML PATH(''). They can bring together values into a single string, eliminating the need to break a sweat over trimming leading commas. For a clean output, consider a DISTINCT in the subquery.

Alternative for older SQL servers

Personalized delimiter concatenation

Running an older SQL Server version before 2017 without STRING_AGG? No problem! Just combine FOR XML PATH('') and STUFF(): two ol' pals to concatenate strings effectively. Here's an example grouping by User and Activity:

-- Note: this query pairs well with a cup of strong coffee SELECT User, Activity, STUFF(( SELECT ',' + PageURL --'comma' coffee breaks between URL sessions FROM YourTable WHERE User = T1.User AND Activity = T1.Activity FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') AS CombinedPageURL FROM (SELECT DISTINCT User, Activity FROM YourTable) T1; -- Go DISTINCT or go home!

Advanced concatenation hacks

Removing clones within the concatenation

In the great SQL universe, no two stars share the same location. Likewise, to concatenate unique values only, use a subquery with...yep, that's right, DISTINCT!

SELECT User, Activity, STUFF(( SELECT DISTINCT ',' + PageURL -- Like snowflakes, no two URLS are the same FROM YourTable T2 WHERE T2.User = T1.User AND T2.Activity = T1.Activity FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') AS CombinedPageURL FROM YourTable T1 GROUP BY User, Activity; -- Group! Now, let's break for pizza...

Adjust to SQL server language

Cross-platform SQL can be as tricky as fixing a bike while cycling. Make sure you're cycling on the right path for your SQL version to avoid a flat tire. For instance, Oracle users should pedal with LISTAGG, MySQL cyclists can gear up with GROUP_CONCAT, while SQL Server and PostgreSQL can ride with STRING_AGG.

Craft your SQL art with precision

Crafting these queries is an art that demands proper understanding of grouping logic and eye for detail. As an SQL artisan, mind the edges such as null values, different data types or how your SQL version handles empty strings.

Practical use-cases

In real-life canvas SQL is our brush to concatenate addresses, list order items, or aggregate logs by user. Masterly use of the GROUP BY techniques can make your SQL artwork more efficient and speedy.

Verify your theory with a demo

To solidify your understanding, I've wrapped up a SQLFiddle Demo. Don't miss to take a peek at how STUFF() and FOR XML PATH('') work together to aggregate values.

What can possibly spoil your SQL picnic?

Hang-ups to watch out

In your journey with string concatenation in SQL, keep an eye for the following potholes:

  • Searching for the query performance can lead to a wild goose chase if not indexed properly or if dealing with large datasets.
  • String truncation might pop-up when the concatenated result hits the size ceiling.
  • Be extra gentle with special characters while using FOR XML PATH(''), they might just need a hug (aka escaping).

Pro tips to ace concatenation

Let's make your SQL concatenation journey smoother with these pro tips:

  • Simplify complex queries with temporary tables or common table expressions (CTEs).
  • Speed up your journey with the turbo boost of indexes on grouping columns.
  • Test your SQL vehicle for various edge cases for a reliable journey.