\n\n\nThe child component may look something like this: \n\nvue\n\n\n\n\nThe Parent can now call the Child's childMethod() every time the button is clicked. Now, the child is always listening!🔊","image":"https://explain.codes/media/static/images/eightify-logo.svg","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Anton Shumikhin","url":"https://explain.codes//author/anton-shumikhin"},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Rational Expressions, Inc","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://explain.codes/landing/images/[email protected]"}},"datePublished":"2025-02-15T15:15:01.493Z","dateModified":"2025-02-15T15:15:03.222Z"}
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How to call function on child component on parent events

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Feb 15, 2025

Here's a quick solution to the query: assign a ref to the child component and use this ref to call its methods directly from the parent.

<!-- Parent Component --> <template> <Child ref="childRef" /> <button @click="invokeChild">Ping Child</button> </template> <script> import { ref } from 'vue'; import Child from './Child.vue'; export default { components: { Child }, setup() { // Setting up our walkie-talkie📞 const childRef = ref(null); const invokeChild = () => { // Probing if the child is responsive if (childRef.value) { childRef.value.childMethod(); } }; return { childRef, invokeChild, }; }, }; </script>

The child component may look something like this:

<!-- Child Component --> <script setup> import { defineExpose } from 'vue'; // Sorry if I'm loud, it's my function🎵 const childMethod = () => console.log('Child method, here!'); defineExpose({ childMethod }); </script>

The Parent can now call the Child's childMethod() every time the button is clicked. Now, the child is always listening!🔊

Deep dive into vue refs

While it is tempting to stop at this point, remember: knowledge grows smarter when shared. Let's explore some of the variations you can utilise in vue refs to run child functions from a parent component.

Accessing component methods using $refs

In Vue 2 or Vue 3 when using the Options API, this.$refs is your best friend for calling child component methods. Just make sure the ref attribute is assigned.

export default { methods: { parentFunction() { //You used to call me over my ref ☎️ this.$refs.childRef.childFunction(); } } }

Reactive props to trigger child functions

Props being observed by child components can create opportunities to trigger its methods. Once the parent updates a prop value, a watcher in child breaks out a function.

<template> <!-- Sweet child o' Mine, your prop is coming --> <Child :some-prop="parentData" /> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { parentData: 'Oh, hi Child, I have some news!' }; } } </script>

And here's how the Child would react:

<script> export default { props: ['someProp'], watch: { someProp(newValue) { this.childAction(newValue); } }, methods: { childAction(propValue) { // Parent said whatttt?!💢 } } } </script>

resolve communication with event bus

An event bus while now deprecated, shows how Vue has been there done that in offering solutions for parent-child component communication.

Public methods exposed by defineExpose

Here comes a hit from Vue 3's Composition API. Expose public methods with defineExpose.

Communication using $emit and $on

Vue's event system is quite a party. It allows child components to emit events while leaving their parents to choose whether to react or not. It's like paternal instincts on an electrical circuit, if you will.

Communication patterns

Explore ways that amplify your communication between parent and child components without creating a messy echo(room).

Central state management with Vuex

For complex situations, especially in large applications, Vuex walks in like a superhero and offers centralized state management.

Flexibility with component slots

Components can be quite accommodating with their slots. They might give you more legroom compared to calling methods on child components directly.

Reactive props magic

The real magic happens when you reactively embrace props in declarative style of programming.