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Dom element to corresponding Vue.js component

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 23, 2025

To quickly identify a Vue.js component from a DOM element, use Vue Devtools. Navigate to the HTML element within the Elements tab, then switch to the Vue tab to see the component hierarchy relative to the element.

Or, directly access the component instance in your code:

let vueComponent = document.querySelector('#my-element').__vue__;

Note, this should be applied at the component's root element and during development stage only. It's a useful debugging help, not intended for production.

Accessing Vue.js components from DOM elements

In Vue.js, every component maintains a reference to its root DOM element, accessible via the this.$el property. This essentially allows you to jump from a Vue component back to the DOM.

To interact with specific elements from your component, you can use Vue.js refs. By assigning a ref attribute to an element in your template:

<div ref="myDiv">Hello World</div>

You can access it within your component like so:

mounted() { console.log(this.$refs.myDiv); // Says "Hello World," Vue's way }

Starting with Vue 2, the v-el directive was replaced by refs. Keep this in mind if you're updating older code.

Using the .vue internal property

Vue attaches a .__vue__ property to the root DOM node of each component. This property reference providing direct access back to the Vue component:

let vueComponent = document.querySelector('#myDiv').__vue__;

But remember, internal properties are like Fight Club – the first rule is: you do not use them in production. They are great for debugging, but they can change at any time without warning!

Lifecycle hooks and ref access

A Vue.js component undergoes various lifecycle stages, from creation to mounting, updating, and finally destruction. In these stages, lifecycle hooks like mounted() ensure that this.$refs are fully accessible, as they're already present in the DOM tree.

mounted() { console.log(this.$refs.myRef); // Ready, set, log! }

Inspecting elements within your browser's development tools can also reveal the __vue__ property, helping you better understand the internal relationships within your application.

The virtual DOM in Vue.js comprises of VNodes, which stands for Virtual Nodes. You can fetch the VueComponent instances from them using vnode.context. Known as VNodes, they mirror their real DOM counterparts and provide various properties and methods like vnode.componentInstance.

Here's a quick preview on how to utilize the virtual DOM:

render(h) { return h('div', { ref: 'myDiv', on: { click: (vnode) => { const myComponent = vnode.componentInstance; //Here be magic } } }, 'Click me' ); }

Leveraging component structure for scoped styling

Providing structure to your Vue files by separating template, script, and style sections aids in readability and ensures proper scoping. Using the scoped attribute in your styles confines them within the respective component, thus preventing any unintended overrides.

<style scoped> /* Now, you're talking just to me. */ </style>

Ensuring that you access elements post-mount guarantees they're available in the DOM:

mounted() { this.$nextTick(() => { let childComponent = this.$refs.childComponent; // Child component, where are you? Gotcha! }); }