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How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 16, 2024

To include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file, use import for ES6 Modules or require() in Node.js.

ES6 Example:

import myFunction from './fileToInclude.js'; // Importing: A surprise tool that will help us later

Node.js Example:

const myFunction = require('./fileToInclude.js'); // Oldie but goldie

Organizing the project: Why import/export matters

When organizing your JavaScript code, modularity and efficiency are paramount. This can be achieved through the usage of ES6 import and export statements. Think of it as a neat file cabinet where each file has its function.

Native support for ECMAScript (ES6) modules in Node.js might require some configuration though. In your package.json, add "type": "module", or simply change your scripts extension to .mjs.

As for the web browsers, they can directly load ES6 modules. But beware! Not all browsers are equal and some have yet to join the import/export party. Check browser compatibility, and consider using a transpiler (like Babel) or a bundler (like Webpack). There's enough browser diversity to keep the JavaScript jungle interesting!

Dealing with dynamic imports and specific needs

Sometimes, your application needs call for dynamic module loading. Luckily, you have a whole set of tools at your disposal:

  • Use import() to load modules on-the-fly, depending on specific conditions or actions.
  • For scripts specific to a domain, you can fetch and execute them using AJAX, Fetch API, or jQuery’s $.getScript().
  • You can also inject external scripts in the DOM using dynamically created <script> elements. Basically, you invite the script to the party when the time is right.
const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = './path/to/your/script.js'; // Must-have guest for a burning party document.head.appendChild(script);

The art of juggling scripts and dependencies

Juggling scripts and managing their dependencies is a delicate act. It is especially true when the load order is key.

For this, stitch up your sleeves and pull out callbacks from your magic hat to ensure a script is only executed once its dependencies are done loading.

You might also want to dive into the world of build tools like Parcel or Webpack. These can handle script optimization, minification, and ensure your scripts are loaded in the right order without you having to break a sweat.

But if working directly on the command line feels overwhelming, RequireJS got your back! It is a file and module loader which helps managing script organization and reduce loading times.

Compatibility and optimization: Keeping up with the times

Browser compatibility can be a major headache. As the saying goes, "Too many browsers, too many problems!" Keep an eye on the ES6 module browser support at caniuse.com. For those living on the legacy browser side, transpilers help give your modern code the charm to please older browsers.

Optimization should also be part of your vocabulary (and your toolbox!). Optimized code is like a well-organized party: The guests (files) show up faster and the atmosphere (performance) is lively! Bundlers play the DJ part nicely, making sure everyone’s having a good time.

Minimizing load order issues: The grand entrance

Just like in a mystery novel, the order of things can make a big difference. For script loading, that is no exception.

The fetchInject() function from Fetch Inject is like a maître d'hôtel that knows perfectly when your scripts (the guests) should join the party.

And remember, when using traditional <script> tags, you can also control script execution by playing with the async and defer attributes.

Best practices: The do's and don'ts

No matter which method you use to include JavaScript files, there are some best practices:

  • Stay away from synchronous AJAX (async: false). It's like stopping the entire party just to let a latecomer in.
  • When dynamically creating script tags, avoid setting the src attribute through direct string concatenation. It can open doors for unexpected errors or script injection. It's like opening your house door to a werewolf in the middle of a full moon!
  • Dependency management is the key to maintaining sanity when working with multiple scripts.