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How do I get the full path of the current file's directory?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 4, 2024

Want to know where your script lives? Here's how:

import os # Meet os, Python's handy, built-in pathfinder current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

Now, current_dir is your script's home--neat, right? The os.path.realpath() function even takes care of those pesky symlink paths!

newPathWhoDis: Using pathlib in Python 3

Python 3 introduced a cozier way of finding your script’s path using the pathlib module:

from pathlib import Path # pathlib: "os, I'm you, but classier." current_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()

The resolve() function is your script's personal GPS, turning relative paths into absolute ones with ease.

The Sneaky __file__

Disclaim-Er! __file__ might be on strike in interactive sessions or packaged Python apps. In such cases, use os.getcwd() for a quick and dirty file path:

import os # Like asking for directions at a gas station current_dir = os.getcwd()

This will give you the path of your current pit stop (working directory), not the address of your scrip-ture.

A buffet of file path options

MethodWhat You GetModulePython Version
Path(__file__).parent.resolve()File location service (absolute)pathlib3.x
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))Same as above, just retroos2.x & 3.x
Path().resolve()Current pit stop (absolute)pathlib3.x
os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())Same as above, but classicos2.x & 3.x

Jupyter Path Tricks

Running a Jupyter Notebook? __file__ is taking a nap! Instead, use Path().absolute() for driving directions:

from pathlib import Path # I guess we are not in a script anymore, Toto. notebook_dir = Path().absolute()

This returns the path to where your notebook was launched, which could be anywhere!

Going Real with realPath

Did your code make a pit-stop at symlink city? Use os.path.realpath to find the original path:

import os # os: I'm the original pathfinder, not the GPS! source_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)

source_path can help your code escape the maze of symlinks and point to its true source path.

Import Tracking

Looking for an imported module's residence? Here is how:

import mymodule import os # os is like a homing drone, but for modules module_path = os.path.dirname(mymodule.__file__)

Your __file__ compass now points to your imported module’s local address, cool right?

Old Reliable: The os Approach

Looking for a timeless, tested, and tried approach that ensures cross-compatibility? Keep it classic with os:

import os # Like using a sundial in the age of smartwatches current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

This particular piece of wizardry has been around since the Python 2 days. And it's going nowhere soon.

Quick recap

  • pathlib is the suave newcomer in Python 3+ that makes path manipulation classier.
  • os.path, though vintage, still gets the job done.
  • Converting Path objects to strings is as easy as str(path).
  • .parent is your script’s lineage and .resolve() translates relative paths to absolute.