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How do I get a platform-dependent new line character?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 11, 2024

Get the platform-dependent newline character with:

String newLine = System.lineSeparator();

Using this method ensures your code is portable across different operating systems:

String twoLines = "Line 1" + newLine + "Line 2";

This adaptable line is a sure-fire way to write newline characters like a pro!

Avoiding newline nightmares

While "\n" might be the first choice to drop a newline, it's a trap. Use System.lineSeparator() instead. Remember:

Friends don't let friends use hardcoded newlines!

Escaping this newline nightmare will ensure your program works as expected across all platforms.

Lesser known string formatting goodness

You can also use String.format() to handle newline characters automatically. It's a super handy tool to keep your code clean and error-free:

// The '%n' party trick spares you the newline hassle String formatted = String.format("First Line%nSecond Line");

Backwards compatibility throwback

For Java versions prior to 7, you need to do some time travel:

// The nostalgia version String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");

As much as we love a good throwback, it's advisable to jump back to the future and upgrade your Java environment.

'Percent Escaper' Adventure

In the thrilling world of String Formatting is a hero named Percent Escaper:

// Escaping the limelight with %% String escapePercent = String.format("There's no I in team, but there's %%d 'me's in 'team'.", 2);

Uncover the mastery of the elusive %% escapade, used to flap escaped percent symbols through the hoops of your text formatting scenarios.

Not just code, it's convention

Stability in code is all about conventions. Adopt System.lineSeparator() for consistent behavior of your text-based apps on any platform. This solid convention makes any codebase a happy place for developers.