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How to remove newlines from beginning and end of a string?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 28, 2024

To quickly trim a Java String of newlines at the beginning and end, you can use native String.trim() for removing whitespace. Alternatively, the code snippet below specifically attacks newlines, for a thorough tidy-up:

String result = yourString.replaceAll("^[\\n\\r]+|[\\n\\r]+$", "");

This simple yet powerful line of code targets newline characters (\\n for LF, \\r for CR) precisely at the extremities (^ for the beginning, $ for the end) of your string.

Deciphering regex and its use

In the context of using replaceAll and regex for this task, here are key elements to understand:

  • ^[\\n\\r]+ - This matches one or more newline characters (\\n or \\r) at the start of the string, giving us cleaner beginnings.
  • [\\n\\r]+$ - This targets one or more newline characters at the end, placing a tidy endpoint to our string.

The 'pipe' character | allows the regex to remove newlines at either end of the string.

Harnessing Java 11's feature-rich toolkit

Starting from Java 11, a suite of methods has been introduced to provide finer control over whitespace handling:

  • yourString.strip() - This eliminates all kinds of Unicode whitespace around your strings
  • yourString.stripLeading() - For those who like clean entrances, this method takes care of only the start.
  • yourString.stripTrailing() - If messy endings bother you, this method focuses on wiping the end clean.

Whether it be leading, trailing, or both, these strip methods are equipped to handle it all.

Safe handling of null Strings

If you're dealing with the possibility of null variables, StringUtils.trim() from Apache Commons Lang is a null-safe lifesaver:

String safeResult = StringUtils.trim(yourString);

Needless to say, this method ensures you won't trip over a sneaky NullPointerException lurking down your code.

Deep-diving into the realm of whitespace

Understanding whitespace manipulation in Java is pivotal for string manipulation. Take time to explore Character.isWhitespace, as this method presents an extensive understanding of whitespace characters as per Java's Unicode standards.

Supercharging string handling with Apache StringUtils

Apache Commons Lang adds extra firepower to your string manipulation arsenal with its StringUtils library:

  • StringUtils.stripToNull(yourString) - Trim the fat and get null if left with nothing.
  • StringUtils.stripToEmpty(yourString) - Eat away at the fluff and safely return an empty string if null.

See that? No muss, no fuss!

Mindful usage of newline removal

Exercise caution with String.replaceAll("[\\n\\r]", ""), as it's the equivalent of a lawn mower through a flower garden—it obliterates all newlines throughout the string. If you need to maintain the charm of multiline strings, it's best avoided.

Declaring dominance with declarative patterns

While figuring out your prevalent pattern, whether declarative (such as Java 11's strip methods or StringUtils) vs imperative (like manually inspecting and handling each character), base your decision on both performance and readability. After all, code is more often read than written! 🤓