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How do I format a long integer as a string without separator in Java?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita BarsukovยทSep 9, 2024

Use the Long.toString(long n) method to swiftly convert a long integer to a string, completely void of separators:

long number = 123456789L; String formatted = Long.toString(number); // Output: "123456789" // Who'd of thunk "123456789" would suit a phone number!๐Ÿ˜œ

Four words: Direct, Simple. Efficient, Effective.

Going beyond โ€“ Additional methods

String.format() - Another Runner

The String.format() method provides another compact solution:

String formatted = String.format("%d", number); // Output: "123456789" // I don't "string along", trust me ๐Ÿ˜

With "%d", numbers are formatted directly sans any extra symbols. Quick conversions? No external libraries needed!

DecimalFormat - Flexibility for the win

Explore DecimalFormat for custom numeric formatting:

DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#"); String formatted = formatter.format(number); // Output: "123456789" // DecimalFormat, because numbers also fancy custom attire sometimes ๐ŸŽฉ

While verbose, DecimalFormat opens doors to precision and complexity.

Java.util.Formatter - The control freak

For the utmost detailed control over numeric formatting, meet java.util.Formatter.

Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); String formatted = formatter.format("%d", number).toString(); // Output: "123456789" // Apparently, Formatter also "formats" the time it takes ๐Ÿ˜‚

Indeed a power-tool, but might be overkill for our task.

MessageFormat.format - Your formatting personalizer

MessageFormat.format() caters to choice-specific formatting:

String formatted = MessageFormat.format("{0,number,#}", number); // Output: "123456789" // Format styles than the number of coffees at Starbucks? No problem! โ˜•

Especially fit for dynamic or locale sensitive formatting.

Concatenation - A simple trick

To convert a long to a string, we can use concatenation:

String formatted = "" + number; // Yet it's like ordering a steak at a vegan restaurant. Mind the inconspicuous! ๐Ÿฅฉ

While it works, performance-wise, it's a lousy player. It confuses readers and during compilation, may lead to StringBuffer or StringBuilder involvements.

Landing the optimal method

For the simplest conversion

Long.toString() is a catch:

  • Straight-out-of-the-box efficient.
  • Restrains unnecessary overhead.

For adaptable formatting

DecimalFormat and java.util.Formatter for:

  • Intricate number arrangements.
  • Special rounding needs.
  • Locale-based traditions.

Tackling diverse conditions

MessageFormat.format() is a hero:

  • Different formatting styles.
  • Locale-oriented formatting.
  • Dependency-based formatting instructions.

Remember, context and practical relevance make the judge. Yes, community opinions help, but so does your own assessment on simplicity and performance.

A Balanced Approach to Coding

Strive to balance:

  • Clarity: Going with what's simple and easy to read.
  • Performance: Opting for direct methods, avoiding complex alternatives.
  • Maintainability: Keep an eye on the future. Today's simplicity could be tomorrow's complexity.