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How can I remove a trailing newline?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 12, 2024

Time for some .rstrip('\n') magic on a string: "Hello, World!\n".rstrip('\n') turns into "Hello, World!". This savvy method gets rid of the trailing newline without messing with the rest.

# Voilà! Trailing newline: Vanished.* print("Hello, World!\n".rstrip('\n')) # Outputs: "Hello, World!"

Understanding the basics

Working with strings in Python, it's often '\\n', the pesky newline character that plays the villain in most formatting nightmares. Think of it as the mischievous ghost slipping into your code and wreaking havoc.

Spaces, tabs, and other invisible culprits

Apart from \\n, there're more whitespace characters like ' ', '\\t', '\\r', et al. You might not see them, but oh boy! They do like to mess things up!

How rstrip() comes to the rescue

Python's rstrip() zeroes in on the trailing characters of a string and wipes them out. It’s the equivalent of a cleanup crew sweeping clean the end of your text.

text = "Invisible trailing spaces and newlines \\n" text = text.rstrip(' \\n') print(repr(text)) # Outputs: 'Invisible trailing spaces and newlines'

The slicing alternative

Have certain end characters that need protection? Slicing becomes your bodyguard, safeguarding important EOL (End of Line) characters:

message = "Special EOL: \\n\\r" message = message[:-2] # Ignoring the last two characters print(repr(message)) # Outputs: 'Special EOL: '

Universal newline handling

Whether you're cozied up with a Windows PC, cranking code on a Mac, or tapping away in a Unix terminal, line endings could vary. Fear not! rstrip('\\r\\n') has your back, ensuring newline-free, normalized strings.

text = "Cross-platform text\\r\\n" text = text.rstrip('\\r\\n') print(repr(text)) # Outputs: 'Cross-platform text'

Tackling multi-line strings

Got a string with multiple lines? Here, splitlines() is the hero, busting the string into a list sans newlines:

poem = """Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are\n""" lines = poem.splitlines() print(lines) # Outputs: ['Twinkle twinkle little star', 'How I wonder what you are']

Do remember splitlines() can be your secret sauce for bulk-processing lines or for when you want to bid newline characters farewell.

Remember: Changes need to stick!

As per the Golden Rule of Python strings, store the result into a variable. strip(), lstrip(), rstrip() return new strings and do not tamper with the original. Ignoring this might lead to the real world equivalent of "changes were not saved" horror!

# This is like pressing Ctrl+S original = "Hard-earned wisdom\\n" original = original.rstrip('\\n') # And the change sticks!