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Get value from text area

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 22, 2024

Snatch the textarea treasure via JavaScript using its ID, access the value property like a hacker breaking a safe code:

// Let's put our Super Hacker gloves on and crack this bad boy let content = document.getElementById('textareaID').value;

Remember, 'textareaID is the alias used in our example. Swap it with your textarea's actual ID. Post execution, your textarea's secrets will be stored in the content variable, ready for your bidding.

Theoretical breakdown

Reading with jQuery

If JavaScript seems too vanilla, jQuery swoops in with a more concise approach:

// jQuery being the cool kid on the block with a shorter syntax let content = $('#textareaID').val();

Getting undefined? Maybe you tried $('#textareaID').value. Don't do that. Stick with .val() and keep the peace.

Removing excess whitespace

Whitespaces can be like uninvited guests at a party, you need to escort them out:

// Bye bye, annoying spaces let content = document.getElementById('textareaID').value.trim();

For jQuery fans, concatenate $.trim() with .val():

// jQuery dealing with unwanted spaces like a bouncer at a club let content = $.trim($('#textareaID').val());

Keep an eye on changes

To capture every plot twist in real-time, we have event handlers:

// Spy on the textarea like an over-attached lover $('#textareaID').on('input', function() { let currentContent = $(this).val(); // React to every single change here });

Handling empty text area

We will determine if the text area has been ghosted by checking the length :

// No ghosts here! if ($('#textareaID').val().length === 0) { // Textarea is empty }

jQuery optimization

For repetitive jQuery operations, store and reuse them to save resource:

// The good old reuse and recycle strategy let $textarea = $('#textareaID'); let content = $textarea.val();


Field validation

Consider implementing regex or custom validation logic to handle different use cases.

// Sorry but only cool content allowed. No spams! function validateTextareaContent(content) { // Replace with actual validation logic return content.length > 0 && content.match(/some cool regex/); }

Potential issues

Ensure no other scripts override the code causing unintended results. Developers are sneaky.

Performing testing

Test with diverse input values, because being thorough never hurt anybody.