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Get the number of rows in a table using SQLAlchemy

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Dec 2, 2024

For a quick and efficient count of rows in a table using SQLAlchemy, apply the func.count() coupled with scalar() methods. Consider the Congress model in this instance:

from sqlalchemy import func from yourapp.models import Congress, session # I've heard that counting is a great way to fall asleep. Well, my dear server doesn't need sleep! row_count = session.query(func.count(Congress.id)).scalar() # Oh look, our server just counted all rows. Let's print it out! print(f"Rows in Congress: {row_count}")

This method relies on the primary key id to enumerate the rows. The vital total count is then procured using the scalar() method.

A deeper dive into Counting techniques

Despite the straightforwardness of the quick solution, there are circumstances, particularly with larger datasets, when you may want to apply other more optimized methods. Let's plunge into these different techniques:

Variation on the theme

If you're after a more flexible count not linked to a primary key, here's a slight variation:

# Let's give a cookie to SQL for counting without a primary key! row_count = session.query(func.count()).select_from(Congress).scalar()

Here, the select_from() method explicitly mentions the table, welcoming more complex query scenarios.

Bypassing the ORM

If you wish to maintain stricter control on the queries and want to avoid some ORM overhead, you can achieve that with a direct SQL statement:

from sqlalchemy.sql import text # Don't try this at home, kids, executing raw SQL is serious business! row_count = session.execute(text("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM congress")).scalar()

Keep in mind that while you've bypassed the ORM, you're now susceptible to SQL injections.

The "Don't Repeat Yourself" principle

To avoid code repetition, a utility function that simplifies row counting can become quite handy:

def count_rows(session, table_class): # Compacting code into functions, talk about being organized! return session.query(func.count(table_class.id)).scalar()

Just call count_rows(session, Congress) and the counting is taken care of, leaving you with more time to sip your coffee.

Embracing the Core

In cases where skipping the ORM is the goal, SQLAlchemy Core can be instrumental:

from sqlalchemy import select, Table, MetaData metadata = MetaData() congress = Table('congress', metadata, autoload_with=session.bind) row_count = session.execute(select([func.count()]).select_from(congress)).scalar()

This method provides a closer interaction with the database, ensuring a more optimized performance.

Performance considerations

Large tables can be cumbersome due to the demanding nature of the SQL COUNT(*) operation. This operation scans the entire table, so when it comes to performance, approximating counts or using pagination techniques can be beneficial.

Quick execution conditions

  • Smaller datasets.
  • Databases that cache row counts.
  • Transactional isolation levels where accuracy is not critical.

Slow execution conditions

  • Very large datasets.
  • Full table scans for accuracy.
  • A significant number of write operations, invalidating cached counts.

Remember to always use COUNT() consciously and consider caching the count under certain situations, mainly where it doesn't change frequently.

Possible pitfalls and their solutions

Avoid memory exhaustion

Always avoid loading the entire dataset into memory with an operation like session.query(MyTable).all(), which only serves to count the rows.

Ensure thread safety

Your count operations should be designed with thread safety in mind, especially in multithreaded applications.

Be aware of database locks

Understanding the locking behavior of your database during a COUNT operation is important. It can potentially impact other transactions, resulting in greater waiting times.