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Get Substring between two characters using javascript

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 19, 2024

Get your substring in JavaScript using .match() coupled together with a crafty regex. Here's how to prise text nestled between { and }:

let str = 'Example {subtext} format'; let match = str.match(/\{([^}]+)\}/); let substring = match ? match[1] : ''; console.log(substring); // outputs 'subtext'

The regex /\{([^}]+)\}/ is our subtext-scope where \{ catches the { character, ([^}]+) latches onto any number of characters up to the }, and \} indicates the closing }. The nifty part? Your caught group stays snug at match[1].

Finer points of extraction

Put string methods to work

A wealth of methods provided by JavaScript, like .substring(), .slice(), .indexOf(), and .lastIndexOf(), allow for versatile substring extractions. Here's how you finesse it for strings with distinct delimiters:

let exampleStr = 'Foo:Bar;Baz'; let startIdx = exampleStr.indexOf(':') + 1; // That extra 1 gives the ":" the slip let endIdx = exampleStr.lastIndexOf(';'); let result = exampleStr.substring(startIdx, endIdx); console.log(result); // voila, it's 'Bar'

Mad for multiple occurrences

For strings flaunting multiple delimiters, loops or the .split() method can do wonders. We'll take a whirl around:

let data = 'start:content1;middle:content2;end'; let parts = data.split(';'); for (let part of parts) { let content = part.split(':')[1]; console.log(content); // 'content1' and 'content2': not bad for a day's work }

Regex to the rescue for dynamic splitting

Fear not if delimiter characters can't make up their minds; a potent combo of .split(), regex, and .pop() will set you right:

let complexStr = 'start#content1:end|content2:stop'; let delimiterRegex = /[:#|]/g; // RegEx: For when you absolutely, positively, got to catch every delimiter in the string let contents = complexStr.split(delimiterRegex); contents.pop(); // Sorry, 'stop', you're not getting in console.log(contents); // Woo-hoo, you've cracked it!

Techniques for every string scenario

Delving into recursive extraction

For truly convoluted, recursive patterns, we go rogue with recursive functions:

function extractSubstrings(str, startChar, endChar) { const results = []; let index = 0; while ((index = str.indexOf(startChar, index)) !== -1) { let endIndex = str.indexOf(endChar, index); if (endIndex === -1) break; results.push(str.substring(index + 1, endIndex)); // Treasure hunted and bagged index = endIndex + 1; // On to the next hunt } return results; }

Show, don't tell, with alert()

Why tell when you can show? Let alert() display your substrings in all their glory during debugging:

alert('Behold the extracted substring: ' + substring);