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Get everything after the dash in a string in JavaScript

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 26, 2024
let afterDash = "some-text-here".split('-').pop(); // "here"

Using split('-') and pop() provides an immediate solution to divide the string at each dash and then extract the final segment.

Diving into the methods

Mastering a variety of ways to extract string parts in JavaScript will benefit you greatly. Let's take a look at the methods:

The split method: a javaScript surgery

Slice your string into pieces with the split method. It divides a string into an array of substrings using a specific separator.

let text = "this-is-coding"; let parts = text.split('-'); let afterDash = parts[1]; // "is", the coder's 'is'land.

The substring method: navigator of the string sea

You can instead cut out the exact piece you need from the string sea using substring and indexOf — which finds the position of the dash.

let text = "string-pirates"; let dashPosition = text.indexOf('-') + 1; // We add 1 to skip the pirate's plank, a.k.a the dash! let afterDash = text.substring(dashPosition); // "pirates", aarr matey!

The replace method with regex: the byte thief

Regex can stealthily steal away the content before the dash using the replace function. The perfect thief in the electron night!

let text = "byte-heist-planned"; let afterDash = text.replace(/.*?-/, ''); // Regex as the "ninjaestring!

These methods are universally supported, making them cross-browser heroes for both Internet Explorer (IE) and Firefox.

Tackling edge cases

Strings with variable lengths pose a challenge. Let's see how these methods adapt to this:

Split arrays and index magic

Working with multiple dashes and arbitrary positioning? No problem! Just use an index to get what you need.

let parts = "parts-are-everywhere".split('-'); let afterDash = parts[2]; // "everywhere", just like my lost socks

Substring method: the last stand

Often need to extract content after the last dash? Use lastIndexOf and substring here.

let text = "alpha-beta-gamma-omega"; let lastIndex = text.lastIndexOf('-'); let afterDash = text.substring(lastIndex + 1); // "omega", the end is near!

Regex: the master of disguise

For advanced extraction or complex patterns, regex can adapt and conquer. It's like the ultimate weapon in our string wars!

let text = "unpredictable-string-chain"; let afterDash = text.replace(/.*?-/, ''); // "string-chain", unpredictable, huh?

These techniques offer robust string manipulation toolkits, while avoiding a troublesome additional processing.

Writing more efficient code

Sterling silver function

Create a bulletproof reusable function for extraction tasks:

function getTextAfterDash(str) { return str.split('-').pop(); // str "split and popped", popcorn anyone? }

Avoid regex complex labyrinth

Regex can perform magic, but not always necessary, especially for simpler tasks. split and substring are here to keep your code clean and readable.

// Instead of heavy regex on simple parse tasks, try: let afterDash = "split-split-pop!".split('-').pop(); // "pop!", was that a balloon?

Straight to the point extraction

The split and substring methods avoid additional string cope, ensuring efficient code performance.