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Get current URL with jQuery?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 13, 2024

The quick and easy way to retrieve the current web page URL using jQuery is with $(location).attr('href'):

var currentUrl = $(location).attr('href'); console.log(currentUrl); // Deja vu? It's your current URL!

With just this one-liner, you bag the 'current URL' bounty, ready to spend on the rest of your code.

URLs are like onion layers, each component carrying a different flavor. You can use jQuery to slice and dice them. Want only the pathname, the piece after the domain? Here is your recipe:

var pathname = $(location).attr('pathname'); console.log(pathname); // Path to the secret treasure!

And how about the domain or hostname?

var hostname = $(location).attr('hostname'); console.log(hostname); // Welcome to the domain of the Domain!

Need to retrieve the query strings, crucial for understanding the mystery parameter?

var searchQuery = $(location).attr('search'); console.log(searchQuery); // Sherlock Holmes, meet query strings!

Storing these, or the full URL, into a variable paves the way to a land of reusability and faster access - a key element in the realm of dynamic URL interactions.

Steering without jQuery

jQuery is a great tool, but sometimes you might need to sail with the native JavaScript window.location object. It's fully equipped to tackle URL manipulation without needing any extra crew members. Here's your map:

var fullUrl = window.location.href; // Get the full picture var baseUrl = window.location.origin; // Just the bare bones var pathName = window.location.pathname; // Follow the breadcrumbs var hostName = window.location.hostname; // Know your kingdom var searchParams = window.location.search; // Unlock the secrets

Knowing your way around window.location ensures you can conquer URL retrieval without jQuery's helping hand.

Ready to dive deeper?

Let's navigate through some additional practical cases where URL manipulation is pivotal:

Reload without reloading

Consider the case where you need to update the URL without giving the page a refreshing dip. jQuery doesn't have a swimming certificate for this, but the HTML5 History API does:

history.pushState({}, '', '/new-url-path');

Unravel the mystery

Oh, look! A cryptic note (a.k.a URL's query strings) with a key-value pair riddle. Let's crack it open with URLSearchParams:

var params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); var someParam = params.get('someKey'); // Decoded: ?someKey=someValue

Reflection before action

You may need to change course based on URL changes. Choose your path wisely:

if (window.location.pathname === '/special-page') { // Do something special because you're on a special page }

This strategic move is key for responsive navigation within your digital realm.

Guarding against storms

Just as navigators prepare for all conditions at sea, you must guard your code against edge cases:

  • Relative vs Absolute URLs: Ensure to choose wisely between relative and absolute URLs to avoid sailing towards the wrong horizon.
  • URL encoding/decoding: During your adventures with query strings, always remember to encode your messages using encodeURIComponent and decode using decodeURIComponent before revealing the secrets.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: Before you set sail, make sure your vessel can handle the rough seas of browser incompatibility, especially while using newer methods like URLSearchParams.
